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Brown blood generally means its old blood, perhaps from an old period such as the one before this.

Its usually nothing to worry about.

Periods can be irregular at times, its pretty natural.

But if your really worried and the problem persists contact your GP to settle any fears.

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Q: What are the causes of a long menstrual period with light flow and brown blood?
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What is causing your menstrual cycle to be brown?

Menstrual cycle refers to your reproductive cycle, I think you mean menstruation or your period. Menstrual flow can be brown when your period is light, the blood takes time to leave the body so turns brown just like any other blood would as it gets old, and it mixes with discharge.

What causes brown bleeding when you are supposed to have your period?

The brown blood is old blood your system is just cleaning itself out

On the first day of your period the blood was brown and heavy and then it went to normal red the next day is anything wrong with you?

It is not unusual for menstrual blood to be brown, especially at the beginning or end of menstruation. This is because menstrual fluid contains tissue and other substances besides blood.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.

Is it normal for your menstrual cycle to be brown?

The term menstrual cycle refers to your entire reproductive cycle, I think you mean menstruation or your period. Menstrual flow can be brown when it is light as it takes time for the blood to leave the body and it goes brown as it gets old, it also mixes with discharge which changes the colour too.

When you start your period if you have brown old blood first do you count those days as your 28 days or do you start counting when the blood is red?

When you start your period if you have brown, old blood first you count those days as the first day of your 28 day menstrual cycle. You do not have to start counting day one when the blood is red.

This is only my 6th period and there's not a lot of blood and the blood is brown?

This is normal, throughout your teens you can see a lot of irregularity in your menstrual cycles and in your menstrual flow patterns. Brown is just 'old blood' it's light bleeding that's taking time to leave your body as it's so light, thus turning brown before it gets out of your body. Nothing to worry about.

What Causes brown discharge after period?

See the related link on what causes brown discharge after period.

What causes light bleeding during period with dark brownish red colour?

Dark, brown menstruation may be a sign that it is 'old' blood. Sometimes blood stays in the uterus for a few days before your period 'starts' could be because it is a light flow or that the cervical opening is very narrow making it difficult for the blood to exit. Light flows and dark blood could also occur because of dehydration.

Dark brown period blood what does it mean?

Dark brown period blood usually appears near the end of your period.

Do you count the brown blood as the beginning of a period?

No, when counting your menstrual cycle day one is the first day of true bleeding. Brown discharge is spotting, small amouts of blood mixing with discharge as you start to bleed, but you don't count this as day one.

Why is your menstruation blood dark?

If your period is suddenly dark brown and light, it should not be of any major concern. It is normal for a period to be light or dark brown in color at the beginning or end of a period. Some forms of birth control can also alter the color and flow of your period.