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Global Warming is caused by the greenhouse effect in Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is what keeps the planet warm enough for life. This worked well till about 1750 when humans started burning coal for industry, the start of the Industrial Age.

Since then, the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) has put more and more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The destruction of forests has also contributed. This is known as the enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect.

The IPCC (the InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change), set up by the United Nations, reports:

"Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have greatly intensified the natural greenhouse effect, causing global warming."

The main greenhouse gases that cause the greenhouse effect are:

  1. Water vapor
  2. Carbon Dioxide
  3. Methane
  4. Nitrous Oxide
  5. CFCs

Where these gases come from:

  • Water vapor is the largest and most important greenhouse gas. It is part of the natural water cycle and very little of it is caused by humans. However, if we make the planet warmer, then the atmosphere can hold MORE water vapor, making it warmer still!
  • Methane from extensive cattle farming (cattle belches, and biodegrading waste)
  • Methane from warming tundra and permafrost (Cause and effect)
  • Methane losses from oil production and industry
  • Nitrous Oxide is emitted from Fertilizer use and Fossil Fuel burning.
  • CFCs were used in refrigeration until they were found to be damaging the ozone layer. International agreements (The 1987 Montreal Protocol) now limit their use so the amount in the atmosphere is decreasing.

Other causes:

  • Deforestation (Trees absorb carbon dioxide till they are destroyed)
  • Reduction of the Earth's albedo by loss of polar ice (Cause and effect)
  • Increased water vapor in the air from existing warming (Cause and effect)
  • Increased insolation due to changes in solar output

More detail:

The greenhouse effect has been keeping the Earth warm enough for human life since its beginnings. Infrared radiation comes from the sun into our atmosphere. The greenhouse gases of water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone (and a few others) absorb some of this heat into the atmosphere, thus keeping the planet warm.

However, since the 18th century, when we began to build factories, humankind has been slowly putting more and more CO2 into the atmosphere. Every time we burn coal, gas or oil we increase the amount of greenhouse gases. Now we use oil for transport and to generate electricity. This is why there we are urged to drive less, use public transport and cut our electricity use.

Forests too, which absorb carbon dioxide, have been cut down, and are still being cut down, all over the planet. With fewer trees, more of the CO2 goes into the atmosphere.

Population demand:

In 1800 the world population was less than one billion. Today it is close to 7 billion. Seven billion people wanting food, water and electricity and a share in the good life make a colossal demand on the resources of our planet.
== == i think that human activities are the main causes of globle warming wich appeared in industries...
Deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

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6y ago
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11y ago

The primary cause of global warming is human activity, specifically the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The major source of carbon dioxide being released is the burning of fossil fuels - oil, coal, natural gas. These are burned to produce electricity, as gasoline in vehicle engines and to heat homes and businesses.

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15y ago

There are many causes for global warming. One is the greenhouse effect. Its when harmful sun rays go into earth, or on it and get trapped in by the ozone. It works as a greenhouse and that is why it got its name. Another is pollution. It wrecks the ozone where more harmful sun rays can get in. But, it can still stay in. Hopee I helped you!

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9y ago

There are various causes of global warming. The emission of greenhouse gases being the main one of them.

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