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Sadly enough there is hardly a chance at all. Without the mother they will most likely die. But people have been able to step in and care for the babies in their mothers absence. Although it is possible it is still very very hard.

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Q: What are the chances of baby mice survival when abandond?
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What are the chances of Baby Mice having diseases?

Rat fleas carried the pathogen that caused the plague. If the mice have been raised in a pet shop or by a breeder, there is not that great a chance of the baby mice having a disease. Unless you're talking about genetic disorders, which can arise from inbreeding. My husband and I have raised hundreds of mice and never had any problem with disease.

Does a dad care for baby mice?

Male mice will not care for the baby mice but they will eat the babies.

How high can baby mice jump?

baby mice can jump up to a inch high

Are mice called kittens?

Yes, baby mice are.

Feeding baby mice?

You can feed baby mice kitten formula by diluting the formula by a two thirds. Mice do not do well with cows milk.

When can baby mice be held?

The best age to start handling baby mice is four to five weeks.

What does micicles mean?

It means baby mice.

What is the best advice in caring for baby mice?

The best advice for caring for baby mice would be: do not handle the baby mouse until it is as least one week old. Baby mice a very hard to take care of.

Do baby mice have diseases?

NO.So,Baby Mice's are born.When they see a CAT or DOG They will Go to their little house So the ''CAT'' or ''DOG'' Will NOT Eat them. The Mother Mice Protects the Baby Mices

Do baby mice get gas?

yes they can

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How come your baby mice have black patches on them?

Baby mice can be black or pink because it depends on there breed like black means they will be black.