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helium is chemically inert and has no chemical properties

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Q: What are the chemical properties for helium?
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What are the chemical properties of helium?

Helium is inert. There are no known compounds. It has no chemical properties.

Would it be correct to say that helium has no chemical properties?


Which elements have similar chemical properties in sulphur and helium?

Sulphur and helium have entirely different properties. Sulphur has properties similar to group 16 elements. Helium has properties similar to group 18 elements.

Is helium physical or chemical property?

Helium is an element a pure substance it is a chemical. It has properties eg it is a gas, it is colourless, it is odourless

Is helium a physical property or chemical property?

Helium is an element that has physical properties. So far it has eluded efforts to make it react with anything else. It could thus be argued it does not have chemical properties other than it is very inert.

Why it would be coreect to say that helium has chemical properties?

But of course. One of its properties is that it is very unreactive.

Do sulfur and helium have similar chemical properties?

No they do not. Sulfur is a reactive solid, while helium is a nonreactive gas.

What are some examples of chemical properties in helium?

Helium is chemically inert; it does not combine with any other element.

What are 5 examples of chemical properties of helium?

d ku alam

Using a periodic table how would you find elements with chemical properties similar to helium?

Elements in the same group or column on the periodic table have similar chemical properties. Helium is in group 18 or the Nobel gases. Elements with similar chemical properties would be the rest of the elements below Helium Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon

Why helium don't have chemical properties?

The only significant chemical property of helium is that it does not undergo chemical reactions.

Is it accurate that helium has no chemical properties?

Yes. it is true. helium is chemically inert and it does not react with any other element.