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Who knows! metallois are the same as semi-matals. LOOK IT UP!!

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Q: What are the chemical properties of metalloids?
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What are the physical properties and chemical properties of elements and how are they grouped on the periodic table?

metals, non-metails and metalloids

Where do the metalloids fit in with the properties?

where metalloids fit into the properties

What is unique about metalloids?

Metalloids are a 'one-of-a-kind' element. They contain a mix of chemical and physical properties from both metals and nonmetals. Metalloids can act as either a metal or a nonmetal, which makes them a metalloid.

How come SI and GE have similar chemical properties?

Si and Ge have similar chemical properties due to how close they are on the periodic table. Silicon and GermaniumÊare both metalloids.

Do non metals have a wide range of chemical properties?

Yes, nonmetals (excepting noble gases) are reactive chemical elements.

Do boron and silicon have similar chemical properties?

yes, theyre masses are similar and they are both metalloids

What is classification for the elements that have properties of both metals and non metals?

Metalloids Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals.

How are metalloids differents from metals and nonmetals?

because metalloids usually have properties that are similar to metals and nonmetals

What are metalloids and where are they located on the periodic table?

Metalloids (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po) are placed in the periodic table - beings chemical elements.

What is the chemical equation of metalloids?

Metalloids are chemical elements; they have not a chemical equation. They have chemical symbols as B, As, Ge, Te, Si, Sb.

Which metalloids would have chemical properties similar to bromine?

I don´t know

What properties do all metalloids have in common?

Metalloids are brittle and bad conductors of electricity.