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Accurate proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fibre.

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Q: What are the components of balanced diet?
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What are the components of a balanced diet for horse riders?

a healthy balanced diet of fruit and veg like your horse/pony.

What are Components of balance diet?

Having a balanced diet is important in order to prevent a variety of health conditions. A balanced diet should contain plenty of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

How do the components of a balanced diet contribute to an individual?

The components of a balanced diet will improve the general or overall health of the individual everyday. Taking it everyday will ensure that you have the enough vitamins, nutrients and energy to last the whole day as an active and productive person.

Which three components of a balanced diet supply us with energy?

Fats Carbohydrates (sugars) Proteins

It is correct to say balanced diet or balance diet?

Balanced diet

When can you that you are eating a balanced diet?

When you can that you are eating a balanced diet.

What is a balance diet ration?

A balanced diet ration is the ration of the various components that you have in your diet. For proteins and carbohydrates the ratio should be one to two so for every one protein, there are two carbohydrates.

Does balanced meal and balanced diet the same?

not necessarily, all meals don't have to be balanced for the total diet to be balanced.

What are the 7 parts of a balanced diet used for?

because if you lack in one of these components it could cause disease.

What are the disadvantages of a balanced diet?

when a person follows a wrong balanced diet. For example a diabetic following a normal person's balanced diet

Who must have a balanced diet?

Everyone must eat a balanced diet. No exceptions.

What are some key components of a diabetic diet?

You want to pay attention to carbs and other foods that impact blood sugar levels. Keep your daughter on a balanced diet and encourage her to stay active.