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The components of the Social Control Theory are the family, the school, and the peer group.

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Q: What are the components of social control theory?
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What are the components of social control?

The components of the Social Control Theory are the family, the school, and the peer group.

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The Social Bond Theory: that people will not commit deviant acts if they form bonds in society

What are Strengths and weakness of social control theory?

Strengths of the Social Control Theory 1) Explains the role of social influece from the media, peers and parents 2) Covers a wider range of explanations such as the importance of cognitive factors rather than suggesting we have no control Weaknesses of the Social Control Theory 1)Reductionist- could be other factors affecting behaviour such as genetics 2) Its questionable whether vicarious reinforcements are consistent enough to change behaviour

Explain the micro and macro theories used by criminologists?

The larger scale theories generally fall into the category called Macro theories and they are generally considered to be concerned with social structures and the effects of those structures on the human behavior while Micro theories are considered to be theories and are concerned with trying to explain the individual level causes of crime and delinquency.

What are the Strengths and weaknesses of social control theory?

weaknesses: can not controll language, actions around certain people

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What is social disorganization?

Social Disorganization is a facet of Social Control Theory developed by Emile Durkheim that says that conformity in society comes from everyone in a society agreeing that the rules of that society are legitimate and choosing to follow them. In this theory, deviance comes from not being well integrated into society.

Is social conflict theory and conflict theory the same theory?

not one is social and the other dont

Does Routine Activity Theory explain crime or criminality?

Crime, criminality is explained by theories such as strain, conflict and social control