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The internation society of blood transfusion recognizes 29 human blood groups. Usually when referring to blood type one uses the ABO grouping system and in that system there are the following blood types: A,B,O,AB

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12y ago
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12y ago

The different blood types are A, B, AB and O. Each letter represent the antigen or protein found on the surface of of red blood cells. Type O considered being the universal donor and type AB considered being the universal receiver. This information can be obtained at:

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12y ago

There are four different blood types. A, AB, O, and B. There are no other combinations of blood types recognized throughout the world. A, B and O types can result in several different combinations.

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12y ago

According to the red cross website there are eight different kinds of blood types, and they are differentiated by the letters O, A and B in combination with a + or - sign. The different blood types are: O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+ and AB-.

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12y ago

There are eight different blood types and they are determined by the presence or absence of antigens, which triggers immune responses. Your blood type depends largely on that of your parents since it is passed down genetically.

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12y ago

The four types are A which posses A antigen that fights against B blood. B blood type is another that fights against A. Then there is O that has neither of those or there is AB that posses both A and B for blood types.

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6y ago

There are 8 blood types: A+, A-, AB+, AB-, B+, B-, O+, and O-.

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14y ago

Um...I really don't get the question. I think you may be thinking about A, B, AB, and O. And there's positive and negitive.

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12y ago

Different blood group









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12y ago

A, O, AB, B, A positive,B positive ect.

not 100'/. sure so if u hav a betr answr change it

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There are four different types of blood and each has their function. They are referred to as blood groups and they are A, B, AB and O. O is regarded as the universal donor while AB is the universal recipient. A and B are produced under the control of DNA.

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