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cleoz rai gwapo haha :P

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Q: What are the different branches of physics?
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What are the branches of pure physics?

There are two main branches of pure physics. These are quantum physics and applied physics and they both focus on different aspects of physics.

What are the different major branches of science?

There are many different branches of science like Biology or Chemistry. Physics and Anatomy are also major branches of science.

What is the different branches in science?

well, there are only 3 branches of science, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, and PHYSICS.

Enumerate and describe the different branches of science?

These are the different branches of scienceOrganic chemistryInorganic chemistryPhysical chemistryBiochemistryAnalytical chemistry

5 branches of physics 5 example?

5 branches of physics

Differentiate the different branches of science and technology?

mathemetics biology physics chemistry

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What are the 5 branches of physics and their meanings?

give me at least 5 branches of physics

What are all the branches and sub branches of physics?

The major Branches of physics are as below : Acoustics: deals with sound. Astrophysics: space and extraterrestrial studies. Atomic physics: study of atoms. bio physics: applications of rules of physics.

Physics in relation with other branches of science?

Physics is the "mother" of the other branches of science.

What are the diff branches physics?

branches of physics are - Neclear physics Electromagnetism Quantum mechanics Interdisciplinary fields Quantum field theory

Schematic drawing about the main branches of science and draw an arrow where physics is found and the branches of physics?

ewan ko