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Q: What are the different examples of non verbal communication?
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What is the difference between non verbal and verbal communication and give examples?

verbal is speaking communication but non verbal is non speaking communication like verbal is speech and non verbal is news paper

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verbal,non verbal, formal, informal, active listening

What are the examples of nonverbal communication and how it is use in different country?

Some examples of non verbal communication are: Regulated signed languages such as ASL Body language Signs Symbols

Is verbal communication better than non-verbal communication?

Verbal communication and non-verbal communication perform different functions, sometimes at the same time and sometimes separately. Neither is better than the other.

“Is verbal communication better than non-verbal communication”?

Verbal communication and non-verbal communication perform different functions, sometimes at the same time and sometimes separately. Neither is better than the other.

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verbal,non verbal,written

Non verbal communication and its importance in classroom?

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Facial expressions gestures and eye movements are examples of?

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