

What are the different materials that make up soil?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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rock particles, minerals, decayed organic matirial, air, and water

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Q: What are the different materials that make up soil?
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What materials make up soil?

Soil is a mixture of weathered rock, decayed organic matter, mineral fragments, air, and water.

Is a soil homogeneous or heterogeneous?

Yes it is a heterogeneous mixture. You can distinguish the different parts because garden soil is made up of many different parts.

What two kinds of matter make up soil?

the winner is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Minerals and organic Materials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What material make up the soil?

particles, minerals, decayed organic materials, water, air.

What five material make up soil?

Particles, Minerals, Decayed organic materials, Water, Air

What are the different types of sediment that make up soil?

the different types of sediment that make up soils are gravel, sand, clay, and silt.

Which materials typically make up the A horizon in soil?

Topsoil is another name for soil found in the A horizon. It is made up of minerals and is usually coarser and has less clay than the other horizons.

Where do soils come from?

hi there soil is made up from many different raw materials the bases of soil is decomposed leaves , twigs roots or anything natural , clay which is found naturally usually in clups , sand which makes soil very granulated also sometime stones can be classed as a factor.

What is the soil made up of?

soil is made up from many different raw materials the bases of soil is mud decomposed leaves wood or anything natural , clay which is found naturally usually in clups , sand which makes soil very granulated also sometime stones can be classed as a is also made of of solid,liquid and gas :)

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What substances make up mud?

Mud is composed of a mixture of soil and water. Soil is a complex substance with both organic and inorganic components, and furthermore, there are many different types of soil, found in different locations. So not all soil is the same, and not all mud is the same.

What is the sand slit and clay called that makes up the surface layer of the crust?

These are the classifications of materials that make up soil, the general name for surface material used by plant life.