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1. Annelida

2. Anthropoda

3. Chordata [which is the phylum humans belong in.]

4. Cnidaria

5. Echinodermata

6. Mollusca

7. Nematoda

8. Platyhelminthes

9. Porifera

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15y ago
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12y ago

There is no simple answer to this question, because botanists differ in their views of how to classify plants. It also depends on the level of detail you want to know! In addition, new discoveries may force changes in the classification system. Incidentally, botanists use the word division instead of phylum.Traditionally, plants were divided into four divisions:* Thallophyta (bacteria, algae, fungi)* Bryophyta (mosses and liverworts)* Pteridophyta (ferns and cubmosses)* Spermatophyta (seed plants: gymnosperms and angiosperms)One widely used modern system is that proposed by Whittaker in 1978 (the Five Kingdom system). In this system bacteria, algae and fungi are classified in different kingdoms to the plants, which correspond to the old bryophyta, pteridophyta and spermatophyta.[see]This system divides extant (ie non-extinct) plants into 7 groups called divisions (botanists use the word division instead of phylum):Non-vascular plants (plants without a specialised transport [vascular] system):* Liverworts (Hepaticophyta)* Hornworts (Anthocerotophyta)* Mosses (Bryophyta)Vascular, non-seed plants:* Whisk ferns (Psilophyta)* Clubmosses (Lycophyta)* Horsetails (Sphenophyta)* Ferns (Pterophyta)Vascular, seed plants:* Conifers, cycads (Pinophyta)* Flowering plants [angiosperms] (Magnoliophyta)However, other systems divide plants in slightly different ways.See for an example.

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14y ago

If it is the 5 Kingdoms you want they are as follows:

Archaebacteria-bacteria that lives in extreme conditions such as salt lakes and hot sulphur springs

Eubacteria- most common bacteria. Some are even found on the human body and used in every day functions

Protista- Single Celled Organisms

Fungi- Mold, mushrooms, yeast, etc.

Animal- Always multicellular

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10y ago

The best known animal phyla are the Mollusca, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata, the phylum to which humans belong. Although there are approximately 35 phyla, these nine include over 96% of animal species. Many phyla are exclusively marine, and only one phylum, the Onychophora (velvet worms) is entirely absent from the world's oceans-although ancestral oncyophorans were marine.

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14y ago

Acanthocephala, Annelida, Arthropoda, Aschelminthes, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Cephalochordata, Chaetognatha, Chordata, Cnidaria, Coelenterata, Craniata, Cryptophyta, Ctenophora, Cycliophora, division, Echinodermata, Ectoprocta, Endoprocta, Entoprocta, Mollusca, Nematoda, Nemertea, Nemertina, Pentastomida, Phoronida, Phoronidea, phylum Acanthocephala, phylum Annelida, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Aschelminthes, phylum Brachiopoda, phylum Bryozoa, phylum Chaetognatha, phylum Chordata, phylum Cnidaria, phylum Coelenterata, phylum Cryptophyta, phylum Ctenophora, phylum Cycliophora, phylum Echinodermata, phylum Ectoprocta, phylum Entoprocta, phylum Mollusca, phylum Nematoda, phylum Nemertea, phylum Nemertina, phylum Phoronida, phylum Platyhelminthes, phylum Pogonophora, phylum Porifera, phylum Protozoa, phylum Pyrrophyta, phylum Rotifera, phylum Sipuncula, Platyhelminthes, Pogonophora, polyzoa, Porifera, Protozoa, Pyrrophyta, Rotifera, Sipuncula, subphylum Cephalochordata, subphylum Craniata, subphylum Pentastomida,, subphylum Tunicata, subphylum Urochorda, subphylum Urochordata, subphylum Vertebrata, Tunicata, Urochorda, Urochordata, Vertebrata.

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11y ago

I belive its got something to do with the kingdoms

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13y ago

cnideria, echinodermata,protozoans, annelida, coelentrata

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