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the different sources of organic matter in the soil are as follows

1. dead decaying plants and animals forming humus.

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Q: What are the different sources of organic matter in the soil?
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How does organic matter get into the soil?

Organic matter is matter that is from living sources, such as animal manure, leaves, grass clippings etc. As the organic matter breaks down, worms, grubs and microorganisms incorporate it into the soil.

What is the trophic level of mold?

Mold, being a fungus, is a detritivore, meaning it decomposes organic matter and helps build soil. I would classify it as a decomposer, which is hard to define using the trophic level system, seeing as different species of molds can decay different organic matter from different sources.

What has to happen for humus to form?

Decay and decomposition are what forms humus.Specifically, the word designates organic matter in soil. Organic matter includes carbon and nitrogen. Its two main sources within soil will come from the breakdown of dead and dying animal and plant matter.

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Soil pH is largely a factor of the ratio of the soil's organic matter content to its mineral component. Soils high in organic matter have a lower pH. The kind of minerals can also have an effect on pH.

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Organic matter in soil is also called .?

The formation of complex organic matter in soil is called Humus

What is the decaying organic matter is soil called?

Decaying organic matter in the soil is called humus. When it is added to the soil deliberately, it is called compost.

What does organic matter do in soil?

It increases the fertility of the soil.

How would the soil profile in a rain forest be different from the soil profile in the desert?

The soil profile in a rain forest would be very rich in humus (decayed organic matter). The soil profile in a desert would be almost totally devoid of any organic matter.

What is organic matter in soil.?

it is humus

What is organic matter in ecosystems?

organic matter important to plant growth is humus.

Is Mars the only planet with soil?

No, the other terrestrial planets have soil, Earth, Mercury and Venus. Earths soil is different in that it contains organic matter.