

What are the different types of flour?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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If you mean how many kinds of WHEAT flour, there are:

All Purpose - for general baking, quick breads, cookies, pancakes, thickening

Bread - higher in the wheat protein, gluten

Granulated - for making gravies and sauces (Wondra is an example) it doesn't clump when added to a liquid.

Whole Wheat - made from the whole wheat berry or kernel

"White" Whole Wheat (made from a softer/lighter textured variety of wheat)

Self Rising - baking soda and salt have been added

Pastry - higher in starch, for delicate pie crusts, etc.

Whole Wheat Pastry

Semolina - a particular variety of wheat used in making pasta

Pretty much any grain can be ground into flour. Even nuts such as almonds or hazelnuts, can be found. Chestnut flour is used in some Italian pastries. Then there are dozens of other flours, each with its own particular best use and nutritional values. Some common ones are:







Kamut (a relative of Wheat)

Spelt (relative of Wheat)


Tapioca (also known as Manioc)

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Different types of flour have different densities. However, on average, one pound of flour takes up about 1/4 gallon (about 1 quart).

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It really depends on the tortilla. They come in different sizes, made with different flour types, and have different types of fat. The basic ingredients are flour, salt, water, and a fat. If you get a tortilla with whole wheat flour and olive oil, instead of the traditional white flour and shortening, they will be better for you. Just keep in mind that everything is better for you in moderation.

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Pretty much. There are different types of flour, and bread flour is considered the best for making it, but you can bake bread with just about any type of flour.

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Urad flour

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There is no single answer to this question, because the amount of yeast added to any amount of flour depends on the intended product. Different types of bread require different yeast/flour proportions.

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that depends on the rice. different types weigh different amounts.

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Plain flour Self raising strong strong white bread

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i love myself and everyone make sure care about your enviroment and be a good person to others for example i had best friend and the other day she didnt talk to me . Why? i dont know but i hope i will find out!wish me a good luck! victoria xoxox

Is flour a solute?

I'm going to assume that the solvent is water. Flour is not a solute in water, as it is made of many different types of molecules, most of which do not dissolve in water.

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they are completely different, from ingredients to the types of flour used.