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(Being a Biomedical Student I can Focus on Clinical aspects.)
1. seals blood vessels while cutting any tissue 2. no need to distend with high pressure fluids to stop bleeding - less swelling 3. no need for repetitive diathermy to burn tissues to stop bleeding 4. no need for drainage tubes to drain blood post-operatively (one cause of pain) 1. no need to keep changing instuments through the skin wounds 2. less damage to the portal tissues 3. less likelihood of breaking instruments 4. shorter operating & anaesthetic times as ergonomically more efficient 1. therefore less scuffing to adjacent joint surfaces 2. less damage to surrounding tissues which may be stretched to admit actions of conventional instruments eg. basket forceps 3. better access as fits into very small spaces with gentle curve 1. photo stimulation - some early studies have recognised early ingrowth of healing tissues 1. very easy to manipulate as flexible 2. sensitive to the surgeon - better feel and so may be more delicate 3. works very well in an aqueous medium ie. in a joint with arthroscopy 1. bone sculpting, cartilage contouring now possible 2. therefore training and accreditation of the surgeon most important - in Australia all surgeons who use this should have laser credentialling. 1. once a hospital has a laser the ongoing costs are less than conventional equipment ie. less dispoable "single use" expensive equipment 2. reusable hand pieces (~cost of 1 blade/case) - not adding a lot more expense!

Especially for the patient:1. "less subjective pain; less apparent bleeding and swelling" 1. The surgeon does not need to pump in fluid under pressure to stop the bleeding - this normally causes marked swelling and distention of tissues which is a cause of pain after the traditional arthroscopic surgical operations. 2. tourniquets are not needed and they cause pain because of the period of ischaemia and the pressure beneath 3. no drainage tubes which cause pain with movements 2. reduces surgical time 1. so less problems from the anaesthetic ie. nausea and drowsiness 2. patient gets over the operation more quickly 3. less compliocations from the anaesthetic- important if previous medical problems 3. no charring therefore less irritation and inflammation
4. Safety considerations 1. surface ablation 0.4mm per pulse 2. surrounding tissue effect <1mm. and this seals the blood vessels 3. if beam doesnt come into contact with tissue within 4 mm. a harmless bubble forms as completely absorbed by the fluid - little likely damage to other tissues besides the one being targeted 5. Precise surgery 1. minimal damage/spread other tissues 2. allows better sparing of adjacent tissues - meniscus, labrum 3. safe - danger zone only 3-4mm in water 4. very precise cutter, ablator,coagulator # Lasers are of high price and limited wavelength range. # Relatively few surgeons are trained in laser use. # Laser equipment is expensive and bulky compared with the usual surgical tools, such as scalpels. # Strict safety precautions must be observed in the operating room. (For example, the surgical team and the patient must use eye protection.) Although many laser surgeries can be performed in a doctor's office rather than in a hospital, the person guiding the laser must be at least as thoroughly trained and highly skilled as someone performing the same procedure in a hospital setting. The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. urges that:

* All operative areas be equipped with oxygen and other drugs and equipment required for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

* Non-physicians performing laser procedures be properly trained, licensed, and insured

* A qualified and experienced supervising physician be able to respond to and manage unanticipated events or other emergencies within five minutes of the time they occur

* Emergency transportation to a hospital or other acute-care facility be available whenever laser surgery is performed in a non-hospital setting.

Imprecisely aimed lasers can burn or destroy healthy tissue.

#If laser hair elimination method is not performed properly, it may cause many skin diseases such as discoloration of skin or burning of the skin.

This answer is given by Tripada (

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laser output is usually in form of a wide beam because the laser action orignate not b/w the shap and well defind energy level but b/w the edge of brodeband.

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