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Disorders of the circulatory system

The circulatory system can be damaged by disease or injury. One of the most common diseases of the system is arteriosclerosis, which results from the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries. Such deposits stiffen and thicken the walls of the arteries. As a result, the flow of blood is restricted. In some cases, blood clots develop in vessels affected by arteriosclerosis. Such clots may lead to a heart attack or a stroke, a condition in which the brain does not receive enough blood.

Another disease, hypertension, commonly called high blood pressure, is often associated with arteriosclerosis. Hypertension makes the heart work harder and may lead to such complications as a heart attack, a stroke, or kidney failure.

Treatment for arteriosclerosis and hypertension includes rest, exercise, and changes in the diet. Doctors may prescribe various drugs to lower the blood pressure, strengthen the heart, or prevent infection and blood clots. In extreme cases, a surgeon may remove clots or replace one or more diseased blood vessels.

Other disorders of the circulatory system result from damage or defects in the heart or blood vessels. For example, rheumatic fever may harm or destroy the valves that control the flow of blood through the heart. Incomplete development of the heart or its blood vessels before birth may produce defects called congenital heart disorders. Some cases of damage or defects can be corrected by surgery.

Coronary artery disease is another disorder of the circulatory system, with many causes.

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