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lllegal logging kills wildlife and contributes to soil erosion. In addition, governments are cheated of taxes owed on the profits made from the sale of the lumber.

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The mountains will become bald and there will be flooding and landslide.

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Q: What are the effect of illegal logging?
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Illegal logging and effect is flood

What are effect of illegal logging?

The mountains will become bald and there will be flooding and landslide.

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There are no plans because illegal logging is illegal

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What are the effect of illegal logging to the earth?

deforestation, which can lead to an array of environmental problems as seen in the spreading of the Sahara desert

What are the effects of illegal logging to animals?

The harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain access to forests; extraction without permission or from a protected area; the cutting of protected species; or the extraction of timber in excess of agreed limits. Illegal logging is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of laws.

Is logging illegal everywhere?


What are the factors of illegal logging?

There are quite a few different factors that could go into illegal logging. People may need the wood that they are illegally logging for example.

The definition of illegal logging?

Illegal Logging is when a company or person cuts down trees for logs with out permission or in a protected environment. or when a logging company uses illegal means to cut. For example clear cutting may be illegal in some areas and a logger would clear cut.

What are environmental causes?

illegal logging

Causes and effects of illegal logging?

There are many negative affects of illegal logging. Illegal logging can cause the destroying of ecosystems. The reason why people illegally log is because they don' t want to pay for the land and fix it afterwards.