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Q: What are the effects of cytotec pills to the child if the mother took it while she was pregnant but the child was not aborted?
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I don't understand your question. Did you mean the girl aborted the baby because her x-bf wanted her to have it aborted? I think the guy is sick and the girl is stupid. Or did you mean the guy broke up with a pregnant girl and the baby died because of the mother's emotional trauma?

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As such this will not affect the pregnancy adversely. But then this has got got direct adverse effects on the mother.

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Usually the conditions that can kill the mother is not from the fetus but continuing the pregnancy leads to her not getting the treatment for something she has will kill her so therefor an abortion is necessary. A pregnant woman should be offered a dating scan when she is 10-13 weeks and 6 days pregnant. You can see a ectopic pregnancy but they have usually already been revealed due to pain and fever by then. An ectopic pregnancy will kill the mother if not aborted.

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A pregnant cow who gives birth is a mother.

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About half of human embryos are spontaneously aborted (that is, with no overt actions taken by the mother or others); see for more details.

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How do you treat an eptopic pregnancy if you are 8 weeks along?

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious health risk for the mother, so the fetus must be aborted.

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depends on the mother. do you have strong feelings for the guy that got you pregnant?

Who is Monique pregnant by?

Actually It's: '' Who is Monique Pregnant by?'' And the answer is...... she got Pregnant by my mother!

Can the mother of an aborted fetus say what can and can not be done to the fetus?

She have the choice of leave it to the hospital or bury it. There are laws on how to dispose human tissue so she can not decide completely.

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No, Keyshia Cole's mother Frankie is not pregnant.

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no sasuke is a male and cannot get pregnant