

Dogs and Tylenol

Updated: 9/6/2023
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13y ago

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Tylenol (acetaminophen) can cause liver damage and death in dogs.

Aspirin can cause life-threatening gastric ulcers in dogs.

ibuprofen has a very high incidence of causing gastric ulcers in dogs and can also cause death.

If your pet is in pain you MUST call a vet for advice.

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13y ago

This is a bad combination - dogs are very sensitive to these types of medications and can become very ill or die from having even one pill. If your dog is in pain, you should take him to see your veterinarian; your vet can recommend appropriate pain management.

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13y ago

it can destroy there organs. like chocolate. you can give it to them. just dont give them too much. like one pill. but only if you can tell that they are in serious pain.

Answer:Even a small amount of Tylenol can cause liver failure in dogs. Unless you want to risk killing them, never give any dog any amount of Tylenol. Dogs can have aspirin for pain, but it should be given under a vet's supervision.
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7y ago

Tylenol CAN NOT be given to a dog at all. Dogs can only be given a baby aspirin. Tylenol will cause irreversible liver or kidney damage and can be fatal in many instances.

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No. Tylenol is toxic to dogs.

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NO. Tylenol is not say for dogs, pregnant or not.

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No, it isn't. Tylenol is toxic to dogs.

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You should never give Tylenol to a dog - dogs are not small humans and do not react well to human medications. Even a small dose of Tylenol can be fatal to a dog.

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NONE! Tylenol is not safe for dogs.

Amount of Tylenol for dogs?

You should avoid giving your dog Tylenol as it can mess with their kidneys and liver. You should consult with a veterinarian and give them Ibuprofen. The normal recommendation is 25mg per Kg of body weight. 1 Kilogram = 2.2 Lbs.

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you really shouln't give that to dogs unless carefully prescribed by your veterinarian, it has Tylenol in it as well as hydrocodone. Tylenol is Toxic to dogs, it can cause liver failure and can lead to death.

Can Tylenol kill a dog?

yes, it is Tylenol shouldn't be given to dogs at all.

Will percocet kill your dog?

yes, percocet has Tylenol in it and it is fatal to dogs.

Can you give a Tylenol for pain to your medium poodle?

no dogs have their medication we have ours

What is safer for dogs Advil or Tylenol?

You should ask your vet. They will tell you the best medicine for you're dogs needs.

Is Tylenol 3 safe to give to a dog?

No, you should never give Tylenol 3 to dogs. Dogs are not small humans and they react very differently to human pain medications, particularly the NSAIDs like Tylenol. You can cause a fatal stomach ulcer with this medication. Also, Tylenol 3 has codeine in it, which is a controlled substance - to administer this outside the written prescription is illegal.