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The effects of using chemicals on farmland vary considerably according to how much of which chemicals are used. There is also disagreement among experts as to the short and long-term effects of chemical usage. Herbicides used to control weeds can drift on the wind from the plot where they are being applied and effect other plants - such as landscape plants - unintentionally. The "inert" ingredients in some herbicides have been shown to have more toxicity to animals than the "active" ones. Toxicity in this case is measured by what dosage of the chemical is strong enough to kill 50% of the population being tested. Pesticides used against insects and mites can kill beneficial insects (insects that eat pest insects), like lady bugs, aphid lions, and green lacewings. When the beneficial insects are gone, there is no control over the pest insects, so their populations can increase much more quickly after the initial application, requiring further applications to control the original pest. Pesticides can also kill butterflies, moths, Spiders and bees, which play other roles in the environment, such as pollinating plants. Pesticides can persist in the insects' bodies, and effect birds or other insectivores which eat the poisoned insects. Other chemicals, such as fertilizers can disrupt the chemistry of the soil, leading to deficiencies of certain microorganisms which play a role in making nutrients in the soil available to plants. Chemical fertilizers also can lead to soil salinization (the soil becomes salty), which requires large amounts of water to leach the salt out of the soil, which in turn can intensify water shortages. Agricultural chemicals can also significantly increase crop yeilds in the short term by limiting damage by pests, competition for water and nutrients from weeds and by providing large amounts of nutrients in a form that is easily available to plants. In the long term these processes can lead to serious depletion of soils because the natural process of converting organic matter to tilth and the balance of microorganisms in the soils has been disrupted.

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16y ago
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13y ago

It afffects many km of land per year thus meaning its quite obviously not too good at all.Its slowly yet affectively destroying Earth like a fat man destroys Doritos with a spicy dip.

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15y ago

What are the effects of use of agrochemicals in the farm land?

Agro-chemicals are used for quantity production. In this process, we use more doses of artificial proteins, Minerals, Vitamins and agents to grow up the plants and fuel them to produce more number of products or in bigger volume.

With these agrochemicals though on one side we get multiple times more food. On other hand the food we get is of less natural contents and of heavy chemicals. These chemicals are proved harmful not only for humans but for all live hoods. This has disturbed the ecological balance. Second effect is SALTED LAND. In period of time, that is mostly within 15 years of use of these chemical fertilizers and pesticides makes cultivated land in to barren land. This of course is a biased and jaundiced view from someone whom I would suggest is not trying to feed the world.

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13y ago

Pesticides can cause a lot of harm to the environment and the public health. Most pesticides can contain toxic chemicals that can cause negative health effects such as cancer and reproductive disorders.

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6y ago

Abundance, adaptations, depletion, mortality and pollution describe ways that fertilizers and pesticides affect the environment. Positive effects include abundance of dense, lush, thick vegetation. Negative effects range from adaptations by non-targets and targets through immunity to treatments and their residue, depletion of soil through nitrogen in excess of moisture underground, mortality of non-target and target animals and plants and pollution of air, land and water.

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14y ago

theyy are badd! they kill poor fishies like pamela :O:(

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Q: How do fertilizers and pesticides harm the environment?
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Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and peticides?

Stop the use of pesticides because it is not good for the environment. But don't stop using fertilizers because they are good for the environment or at least some of them are!

Do fertilizers harm the environment?

Yes by washing off into the ocean

How are the use of fertilizers and pesticides harmful to soil?

they leave chemicals in the soil that can harm the soil and can even cause harm to near plants and disease to some animals

Are the use of pesticides and fertilizers damaging?

The use of fertilizers and pesticides can be harmful to the environment, and to the farmer or gardener using them. Usually, there are not enough toxins in the substance used to harm the consumer of a crop.When it rains, fertilizers will be carries through streams and eventually into rivers. Fertilizers can causse an over-growth of alage and cause eutrophication. Fertilizers also can increase the health of certain pests, such as insects or mice.Human exposure to pesticides can cause...increased risk of leukemiacancers (lung, brain, testicular, lymphoma)increase in spontaneous abortionsgreater genetic damagedecreased fertilityliver and pancreatic damageneuropathydisturbances to immune systems (asthma/ allergies)increases in stillbirthsdecreased sperm counts

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native plants had most requirements of fertilizers and pesticides.

Why are organic foods classified as as ecological factor affecting personal diet?

Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The soil is built up with organic matter like comost, so organic growing does not harm the environment.

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how might pesticides and fertilizers on land become a problem in an ocean ecosystem

Should chemical pesticides be banned?

Chemical pesticides harm the ecosystem, the environment, and could be harmful to humans; however, without them, we would not be able to produce enough food for the current population. The best alternative is to put more energy into finding natural pesticides (such as garlic oil) which don't harm the environment, but keep insects from ruining the crops, and to make those natural pesticides available before banning chemical pesticides.

How fertilizers and pesticides cause soil pollution?

as the fertilizers and pesticides are made from chemical substances that is why when we put fertilizers instead of cow dung etc the soil become dry and pollute. shaghaf ghufran qureshi

What does bad farming practises mean?

Bad farming practices means practices that are harmful to the land or the environment. This includes using harmful pesticides and fertilizers.

Is the use of man made fertilizers and pesticides a good thing for agriculture?

No, the use of man made fertlizers and pesticides are not a good thing for agriculture