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balanoglossus, saccoglossus, glossobalanus

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Q: What are the examples of phylum hemichordata?
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Related questions

Is hemichordata same as protochordata?

No Hemichordata is a separate phylum , but related to Chordata , Protochordates are part of chordates

What symmetry are the phylum hemichordata?

Radial Symmetry

What does hemichordata mean?

same as protochordata ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hemichordata are a a small phylum of marine invertebrates that have a vertebrate like hollow nerve cord and an echinoderm like larval stage. The "hemi" prefix means "half".

What is the scientific name of acorn worm?

depends on which species you are talking about - there are about 30 different "species" of Acorn worm and all are under the class hemichordata. -one of these Acorn worm is the Balanoglossus sp., the common representative organism under phylum hemichordata.

What are three examples from the phylum annelida?

The three examples of phylum annelida are earthworm,leech and whatever............

Classification of invertibrates?

Invertebrates have nucleated cells and are thus eukaryotes (Domain Eukarya in the Empire of Life). They are multicellular and heterotrophic and thus animalian (Kingdom Animalia). Edward O. Wilson is what one calls a 'splitter' in taxonomy and has split the animal kingdom into about 85 phyla. Most other taxonomists think there are somewhere in the thirties in the realm of 'How many phyla are there ?' Some invertebrate animal phyla are: Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, Phylum Ctenophora, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Annelida, Phylum Mollusca, Phylum Arthropoda, Phylum Echinodermata, Phylum Hemichordata, Phylum Nematoda, Phylum Rotifera, Phylum Kinorhyncha, Phylum Nemertea, Phylum Bryozoa

Fungi in the phylum chitridiomycota?

examples for phylum-chitridiomycots. * chitridium * allomyces

What are 3 examples from the phylum basidiomycota?


What are examples of phylum cephalochordata?

lancelet branchiostoma

What are examples of the phylum aves?

There is no phylum Aves: Aves is a Class. Birds are the only members of the class Aves.

Tapeworms and planarians are examples from which phylum?


What are some examples of phylum arthropoda?

insectia mirapoda arachnida