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The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent," (CCC 1857). Thus, what makes a sin mortal (the opposite of venial) is that it comprises: 1. Full knowledge that the act is wrong

2. Deliberate consent to do it anyway 3. And the act is objectively serious Venial sin is sin which is "defective" in that one of those three elements is missing. Because it is defective, it does not have the full effect of (mortal) sin - to destroy the life of God inside us. Instead, venial sin only interferes with the life of God inside of us. Typically, a venial sins might have been worse, i.e. mortal, if it had been deliberately carried out or if the act itself hadn't regarded something slight. Thus, examples of venial sin include:

a. theft or stealing of something trivial, for example, of a piece of candy (whereas theft is, generally speaking, serious)

b. drunkenness, if slight or unintentional, say, getting a little tipsy by having "one too many," and then stopping the consumption of alcohol for a while (whereas drunkenness, if deliberate, or gross enough to lead to other serious consequences like drunk driving, is a grave sin given knowledge that drunkenness opposes God's will)

c. lying concerning something trivial or to someone who has no legitimate right to know the truth of the matter involved (whereas lying is generally serious, either because the thing lied about is grave, or because lying generally corrodes our ability to know truth) d. failure because of distraction to fulfill a minor obligation, like forgetting to pay a fine or to care for a neighbor's cat after promising to do so (whereas a deliberate refusal to carry out a legitimate and grave civic duty would be a mortal sin if done knowing that one's act opposed God's will; as would deliberately leaving the cat to hunger to death as act of malice, given the same knowledge).

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For a sin to be a mortal sin, it must be:

-A deliberate action.

-It must be serious (Stealing a gum ball compared to robbing a bank)

-It must be commited with full knowledge that it is wrong.

A few examples would be:

-Commiting a murder.

-Stealing somethnig with great value.

-Worshipping Satan.

-Commiting an abortion with free will.

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Adultery, sex outside marriage, theft, blasphemy and murder are examples of sins.

Sins also depend on which religion you adhere to. What may be a sin in one religion may not necessarily be a sin in another.

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Are venial sins just as serious as mortal sins?

Mortal sins are more serious than venial sins, and they have more serious consequences: With mortal sin, the life of grace is lost and the sinner is in danger of hell. With venial sin, the life of grace is weakened but not lost. Even so, venial sins should not be taken lightly, since habitual venial sins can harden one to commit mortal sin.

Can catholic sins be forgiven just asking god?

Venial sins can be, but mortal sins can only be forgiven through the sacrament of penance. Although it is recommended to confess venial sins in the sacrament of penance as well.

What are the 2 degrees of sin?

Venial and mortal sins

If you eat communion can it take away all your venial sins?

It can! It Is the body and blood (in the spiritual form) of Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you repent before Holy Communion, and come up, it will remove all your venial and mortal sins.

Use venial in a sentence?

A venial sin is one considered of lesser severity. However, the Bible does not make a distinction between different sins regarding their severity.

Who decided mortal or venial sins?

There is no distinction in the bible. Sin separates us from God.

Does a Catholic have to confess to a priest before communion?

If a Catholic has committed a mortal sin, then he must confess this sin to a priest in the Sacrament of Confession before he can receive Communion. If he has committed only venial sins, then he is free to receive Communion without going to Confession, and his reception of Communion will actually result in the forgiveness of those venial sins.

What is Venial sin and Mortal sin?

A venial is a slight offense against God while a mortal sin is a great offense. A venial sin is like a spiritual misdemeanor while a mortal sin is like a spiritual felony. Things like telling lies to get out of trouble, stealing something that is not of great value, or profanity are examples of venial sins. Murder (including abortion), stealing something of great value, and not going to Church on Sunday (which violates the Third Commandment) are examples of mortal sins. Mortal sins are so serious that they drive sanctifying grace from the soul. If you die without having been forgiven for a mortal sin, you will go to hell. Venial sins only lessen grace. No amount of venial sin is enough to send someone to hell. If you die without having been forgiven for venial sins, you will have to spend time in purgatory to have them forgiven. Really though, God looks at all sin the same. Read Rev. 21:8. Also, one scripture says why should we keep on sinning, is it so that grace may increase. If you don't repent from any kind of sin you will go to hell. If God sees the effort, you are fine because he understands nobody is perfect and we all mess up.

Are temptations Venial Sins?

According to Roman Catholicism, a venial sin (meaning "forgivable" sin) is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell. A venial sin involves a "partial loss of grace" from God. Then, a temptation is the act of tempting or the condition of being tempted or something tempting or enticing. It can be a venial sin if you are thinking of doing it, but if you are just being tempted and not falls to it. it is not a venial sin. Thus, it depends upon the situation. Hope this helps.

What kind of sin is necessary to receive the sacrament of penance when?

You can receive the sacrament of Penance if you have any sin including not only mortal sins but venial sins as well. If you have sin, it is recommended but not necessary to receive the sacrament (Except for mortal sins where you must confess it)

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Roman Catholic AnswerAny time a sinner receives absolution either in the confessional for mortal sins, or at other times for venial sins, they are receiving grace from God.

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If a mortal sin was on his soul, yes, if venial sins only, he would go to purgatory and later heaven.