

What are the eye socket bone?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the eye socket bone?
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Scientific name of eyesocket?

The scientific name for the eye socket is the orbit. It is a bony cavity in the skull where the eye is housed and protected.

What is a orbit in space?

the orbital bone is the cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated.

What part of the skeleton is the eye held in?

The skull contains what we call the eye socket or orbit. There are seven bones that articulate to form the orbit: frontal bone, lacrimal bone, ethmoid bone, zygomatic bone, maxillary bone, palatine bone and the sphenoid bone.

What is the anatomical name for the eye socket?

Another name for the eye is oculus, which is Latin.

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An alisphenoid is a wing-like cartilaginous bone within a mammal's skull forming part of the socket of the eye.

Socket in the hip bone receives head of thigh bone?

The socket is called the acetabulum.acetabulum

What are the bones that protect the brain and eyes?

The bone that protects the eye are the facial bone. It's function is for you to be able to see.

Do pregnant dogs eyes swell just below the eye lide and just above the lower eye bone socket?

I had the question about my Great Danes eyes. She has had litters in the past and I have never seen her eyes swell up. Its odd its not really in her eye just below it. Is like a pocket of liqud just below but above her bone socket. Each side equal. I was curious if any one has had this happen with a preganant dog? get it checked by the doctor

Where do you find the eye?

in the eye socket on the head

What cushions the eye in the eye socket?

Its like a normal eye

Is you eye socket a muscle?

yes you eye socket be dah pimpedist muscle in da whole bods

What is the deep socket in the coxal bone that receives the head of the thigh bone?
