

What are the good effects of computer games?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They can help de-stress you and help with hand eye coordination

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Q: What are the good effects of computer games?
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The foreign and local literature of effects of computer online games has led to the advancement of these computer games.

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What are the good and bad effects of the computer to the youth?

The good effects are related to us. It made our society much more efficient by allowing programs and games, making our society more fun, easier, and faster. The bad effects are pollution. Computers run on electricity, adding to pollution. So shut off this computer, dude!

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flash computer games that are found on the web are usally good so are the computer games that are on disks like halo and all the star wars/trek games.

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What are the effects of computer games in the youth ages12-18 years old please answer?

Computer games have different effects on youth ages. Some children can become even smarter while playing different video games and as far as negative effects, there are some cases where children could become anti-social or develop bad behavior. The best thing to do is monitor the time that the children spend on the computer.

Can computer games make you dumb?

If you don't miss out school and other activities than no. Computer Games also contribute to different skills.

Is your computer a good gaming computer?

Not really. Although I do have some MMOrpg games on it.

Good games to play on computer?

There are tons of games on the computer I don't know why you're asking!! If you mean games that you have to download, I suggest Pokemon or the Sims, but if you want games that are already on the computer, try the 'Impossible Quiz'

Are computer games good for you to play?

Answer: yes, they improve hand-eye coordination. but don't play them 24/7, sleep once and a while.Answer: Computer games have been proven to help in Eye-Hand coordination and to exceed in exceptional Visual Skills.The only unhealthy part of computer games is when it effects your everyday life negatively. (Addiction Behavior, Aggressive Behavior, Anti-Social, ext.. ext..)

What good games are there for the computer?

If you're looking to buy games that are good for the computer, I would recommend the Sims (1, 2, or 3 - they're all good), Spore, Fable, or Plants vs. Zombies. is a good site for playing free online games.