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List of Intentional Torts1. Assault

2. Battery

3. Conversion

4. Trespass to Land/Chattel

5. False Imprisonment

6. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (Outrage)

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11y ago

"Intentional" torts refers to purposeful damages against properties being leased or rented. Fist holes in walls, scratching of walls and surfaces, animal fecal matter on carpets etc. This can include trespass to land both above and on the ground water stream and all real properties therein . Theft is also a Tort against ones another's properties convection involve the use of others persons property without the owner consensus for example picking up a cellphone belong to somebody and refuse to hand it back , damaging somebody's items including alteration , intentionally running over the animals belong to another person . Others are trespass to real property (building) this occurred then a person present at the building which owned by someone without that owner's consensus , however this term has been broaden or has been extended to those whom they have had legal allowed to stay at the land and their staying time or period had so expired and they failed to evacuate the place as far as they are there , they equivalent to trespass . Tort law is crossly relate to Contract law and Criminal law thus some people may choose to go for contract or criminal law rather Tort

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Q: What are the main intentional torts against property?
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List the main intentional torts against people and property?

Assault and battery, false improsonment, defamation, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress. - EBZY SWANKY. Binet

Do remedies differ for negligent torts and intentional torts?

You actually approach torts of negligence and intentional torts in much the same way. you still have to prove the four main elements of any tort. Beyond that-for an intentional tort-you must prove that it was intentional rather than negligent but that would be the only difference.

What are the three main types of torts?

1. Intentional Torts 2. Negligence 3. Strict Liability

What does torts mean?

A tort is an injury. Most people know of torts as they apply to civil personal injury law. These are typically torts of negligence but can also be intentional torts. In order to prove a tort lawsuit, there are four main things that need to be proven.

What is intentional tort?

Tort law allows an individual who has been hurt in some way by someone else's negligence, carelessness, or malice. Intentional torts apply to the malice part of that equation. While most tort cases involve negligent act that result in injury, for intentional torts, the punishment can be more severe and you must prove-in addition to the four main elements of tort law-that the defendant caused the injury or financial harm on purpose.

What are two torts involving defamation of characters?

Libel and slander are the two main defamation of character torts.

How is an intentional tort different from an unintentional tort?

Tort law addresses civil wrong doings in which someone has been hurt in some way by someone else's negligence, carelessness, or malice. The malice part of that equation would be the intentional tort. Most personal injury cases involve negligence but intentional torts are just that-intentional acts done to bring about or cause harm in some way. But in either type of tort the four main elements of tort law must still be proven to have a solid case.

What are the seven main divisions of the law listed in West's Outline of the Law?

The divisions are as follows: 1. Persons 2. Property 3. Contracts 4. Torts 5. Crimes 6. Remedies 7. Government

What is the difference between an intentional tort and a negligent tort?

There is really only one main difference between and intentional tort and negligent tort. An intentional tort would be an injury caused by an intentional act by another. A negligent tort however, is one that is an accidental injury caused by negligence.

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The main causes of property repossession is for nonpayment of the mortgage or any loans where the property was put up as collateral. If nonpayment occurs the lend has the right to repossess.