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Q: What are the main reasons for the decrease in oil prices?
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Will drilling for oil in the Alaskan wildlife refuge decrease oil prices?

Yes there would be a decrease in prices but this decrease would be less than $1 per a barrel. The OPEC nations could also neutralize this price decrease by cutting exports by an amount equal to that being produced in Alaska.

Is the quotation rising oil prices have caused a sharp decrease in the demand for oil a correct statement?


''Falling oil prices have caused a sharp decrease in the supply of oil'' Speaking precisely and using terms as they are defined by economists. Write the statement that best describes this statement?

The quotation is incorrect: A decrease in price causes a decrease in the quantity supplied, not a decrease in supply.

''Rising oil prices have caused a sharp decrease in the demand for oil.'' Speaking precisely and using terms as they defined by economists choose the statement that describes this quotes?

The quotation is incorrect: An increase in price causes a decrease in the quantity demanded, not a decrease in demand.

Why do heating oil prices change so frequently?

Oil prices change frequently for a number of different reasons. Crude oil is a big part of this, and will affect the price of oil. Demand can be different depending on the weather and economy. Seasons can also affect the demand for oil.

What is oil crisis?

Oil crisis is basically a phenomenon where the prices of oil products boost up because of the increase in world market's price which is caused to a so-called 'decrease' of oil deposits.

How much did crude oil prices rise in 2008?

The highest that the crude oil prices ever hit was USD$147. You can read about it and the reasons why the prices went that high here :

What are the reasons NYMEX crude oil goes up and down in price?

There are many reasons why NYMEX crude oil goes up and down in prices. This includes the level of production from crude oil suppliers as well as world events and government policy.

is oil etf, main price controller for international crude prices?

It is mostly the main cause of the international crude prices. There is also a factor with the current trading conditions that are currently happening. For example, bad weather can affect the price, an oil shut down can also effect the price.

What are Venezuela's main economic activities?

Venezuela's economy is highly dependent on oil exports. The recent fall in oil prices has damaged the economy there. prices can fluctuate so there is always a chance that their economy will improve if and when oil prices rise.

What is the purpose of an oil well?

There are many purposes to using an oil well for any major oil companies. The main reasons to using oil wells however is to bore into the ground to access petroleum oil.

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