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Burning of coal, oil (including gasoline), and natural gas to produce carbon dioxide. Also decomposing of vegetable and animal matter to produce methane.

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In terms of total emissions the order is simple: Nature emits 99.72% China produces .08% The United States produces .07% The rest of the world makes the rest.

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Q: Who are the major emitters of greenhouse gases?
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What are the two most common greenhouse gases?

the two major gases that cause greenhouse gases are methane and carbon dioxideco2, methene, evaporates

Who are the highest emitters of greenhouse gases per person in the world. australians or Americans?

From "Greenhouse gas emissions: perspectives on the top 20 emitters and developed versus developing nations.", in the 'Per Capita Emissions' section. The website is... "...Of the top 20 emitters, the highest ranked by per capita greenhouse gas emissions are developed countries (Australia, United States, and Canada, ranked 5, 7, and 9, respectively)." Australia it is!

How can you use the term greenhouse gases in a sentence?

The greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are inescapable.

What is the climate change that produces greenhouse gases?

Climate change does not produce greenhouse gasses. It is thought that greenhouse gasses are a major cause of climate change.

What is oxygens role in greenhouse gases?

Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas. It deceases the greenhouse gases.

What gases are not greenhouse gas?

Greenhouse gases must have three atoms, so gases like hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) are not greenhouse gases.

How are atmospheric gases like the gases in a greenhouse?

The glass on the greenhouse stops temperature from leaving or entering like the gases do to the earth.The atmospheric gases are called 'greenhouse gases' based on the idea that the gases 'trap' heat like the walls of a greenhouse do

The major greenhouse gases include methane CFCs water vapor and?

Carbon Dixide

The major greenhouse gases include methane CFCs water vapor and what?

Carbon Dioxide.

What does the greenhouse do to the gases from the atmosphere?

The greenhouse effect warms the gases in the atmosphere.

What is the pollutant that is thought to cause the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas, though methane and other gases are also important.

What is a major disatvantage of using fossils fuels?

It Produces greenhouse gases and it pollutes the atmosphere when burned