

What are the major types of Karma in Jainism?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are the major types of Karma in Jainism?
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How does Jainism differ from Hinduism?

Jainism differs from Hinduism in so many ways. According to Jainism every individual can get rid of his karma and become God. Unlike Hinduism which has monopolized God who reappear in every dark times.

What religion has reincarnation and caste system?

Jainism. My world religions class did a project on different religions, and i remember that Jainism included the Karma and Reincarnation.. Aupmanyav adds: Hinduism also connects karma with caste in reincarnation.

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How do jainism view karma?

All the acts through body (Kaya), tongue (Vachan) and thought (Maan) are regarded as Karma (act).

Where can I find a church that teaches about karma?

Karma is an Eastern concept and originates with Hinduism. Religions that originate from Hinduism such as Buddhism, Sikhism or Jainism also teach about karma. Certain Pagan sects also believe in karma. Most Pagans do not belong to a church. "Churches" are usually Christian but there is are Buddhist churches as well. Hindus, Jains and Sikhs usually worship in temples.

What are the 2 sects of jainism called?

the two types are the digamabara sewtambara

What are the major religions in inda?

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism

What are the customs of the Jainism?

Depending on the karma the soul has accumulated in the current and past births, the soul will either be released (moksha) which is attainable by all but requires adherence to all the main principles of jainism including non-violence, compassion, non-materialism etc etc. Moreover, suffering willingly under taken has the effect of dispersing the Karma already accumulated, so helping to lighten the soul.

What are the major principles of jainism?

There are thousands of teachins in Jainsim but most of them are related to Science and a few with moral teachings-Non-violenceNon-possessivenessCelebacyPrinciple of pluralism (or Anekantvada)Right faith, Right knowledge, Right conduct , etc.

What are the major ceremonies of jainism?

Enlarged Black computer in the future RAWR WITCH

What counties practice Jainism?

AHIMSA & TYAG , keeping your self away from all the wordily material , & most important thing believe in karma ( destiny ) " LIVE AND LET LIVE "

When do Jainism pray?

jainsim pray in morning as well as night, they pray the 24 trithankaras in the jainism religion and they also have sadhu's also,they are two types of jains-digambaras and shwethambharas