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most frequent signs of pregnancy are breasts sore or swollen, feeling nauseas, passing urine often, and if you are late for your period. it would be hard to know in the first week of pregnancy. you can do a home test the first day of your missed period. That is one of the most frustrating things - your period coming and pregnancy produce similar smptoms. I have two children 8 and 5 and am 5wks 5 days pregnant with third. The one thing that made me suspect that i was pregnant was cramping in my pelvic area which started a few days after ovulation. Also don't be worried if you take a HPT and it turns out negative, mine only just showed positive 4 days ago!!

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Q: What are the most frequent signs of early pregnancy and how can you tell if you are just getting ready to start your period or if you're actually in your first week of pregnancy?
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What does it mean when you have nausea frequent urination and breast tenderness?

These are pregnancy symptoms. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. They can also be signs that your period is coming

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It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

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well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

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Things can get pretty muddled, you're dealing with all the same organs and hormones with pregnancy and period. Best to just take a pregnancy test. They are very inexpensive and quite accurate early in your pregnancy.

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If you are too young to be going through menopause, its usually a pregnancy that is the culprit of not getting a period.

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Those are all possible signs of pregnancy.

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Typically pregnancy or birth control.

Can a sign of pregnancy be the feeling of getting period?

Yes, the symptoms are similar.

Can you take a home pregnancy test during a period?

Why would you want to? Getting your period means your not pregnant

What does cramping nausea and fatigue mean?

Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

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Bloating is a very common sign in early pregnancy. It can however also be a sign of your period coming, as most women get bloated before their period. Common symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, frequent urination, change in appetite, bloating and fatigue.

How do you know if you're pregnant if you have your period?

A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period