

What are the neutrons for the isotopes for tellurium?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are the neutrons for the isotopes for tellurium?
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How many protons and electrons are in tellurium?

There are 52 protons in an atom of tellurium. The number of neutrons varies, however, as there are a number of isotopes of this metalloid. There are 70, 72, 73 and 74 neutrons in stable isotopes of tellurium, and 68, 71, 76 and 78 neutrons in four radioactive isotopes which can be found naturally. In all, there are isotopes of tellurium with 53 thorough 90 neutrons. A link can be found below for more information.

How can iodine z equals 53 have a higher atomic number yet lower atomic mass than tellurium z equals 52?

Because the naturally occurring isotopes of tellurium have fewer neutrons than the naturally occurring isotopes of iodine.

How many neutrons does tellurium-123 have?

There are 71 neutrons in tellurium-123

How many neutrons and protons are in te?

Tellurium has an atomic number (proton count) of 52. Stable isotopes include nuclides with 70, 72, 73, and 74 neutrons.

How many protons and neutrons does tellurium-123 have?

Tellurium-123 has 52 protons and 71 neutrons.

Isotopes of an element have a different number of?


What element has 52 protons?

tellurium The element that has 52 protons is tellurium, and the isotope of tellurium that has 76 neutrons is tellurium-128.

How tellurium and iodine show the periodic table is not arranged on basic of increasing atomic mass?

They show that the periodic table isn't arranged on the basis of increasing atomic mass because iodine has a mass lesser than tellurium. Iodine has a mass of 126.90 and tellurium has a mass of 127.60.

How is it that tellurium has a greater mass number than iodine if an iodine atom has one more proton than a tellurium atom?

Iodine nuclei have one more Proton than Tellurium, but in general the Tellurium atoms have more neutrons, giving a higher average atomic mass. Elements often have isotopes, and their stated atomic masses are averages which look at the abundance of these isotopes. In a given sample of Iodine, 100% of it will be 127I, though the tiniest trace of 129I will exist. In a sample of Tellurium, 65% will be 128Te and 130Te. This makes Tellurium's average atomic mass a little higher than Iodine's.

Is tellurium radioactive?

Tellurium is radioactive, though there are stable isotopes. The radioactive isotopes found in nature account for more than two thirds of any normal sample. Additional synthetic radioactive isotopes exist.

What is the common isotopes of the element of tellurium?

Some common radionuclides that can be produced from tellurium-124 are Iodine-123 and Iodine-124.

What do Carbon isotopes have in common?

All carbon isotopes have the same number of neutrons.