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There are three phases of cervical mucus:

1. Infertile phase - this occurs after your menstrual period and also called dry days. This is the most infertile time of the month

2. The fertile phase - when you're nearing your ovulation, you will experience discharges of cervical mucus in the vagina. At first, this cm will appear moist and sticky and white or creamy in color.

As ovulation get even closer, your cm will change. you will get more and more cm and it will change into a transparent color one which can stretch tested by the finger.

During ovulation, the cm will then change into an egg white cervical mucus because that exactly how it looks.

3. Post ovulation completely infertile phase - after ovulation feeling of wetness will stop and your cm will come back to its normal appearance - dry and sticky.

This stages are a reference for those who are trying to conceive.

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Yes. You have cervical mucus everyday and it also changes everyday.

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How long before your period do you get mucus?

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All birth control pills alter cervical mucus. That is one of the mechanisms by which they prevent pregnancy -- the progestin thickens the cervical mucus.

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