

Best Answer

The various parts of a Catholic mass are as follows:

1) Pre-Mass devotions

2) Introductory rites

3) Liturgy of the Word

4) Liturgy of the Eucharist

5) Communion rite

6) Concluding rite

Another answer

The Catholic Mass is generally divided into two large segments: the Mass of the Catechumens; and the Mass of the Faithful.

The Mass of the Faithful consists of an introductory rite, a penitential rite, the recitation of the Kyrie, on Sundays and major feasts the recitation of the Gloria, and then the collect/prayer of the day.

The Liturgy of the Word is carried out during this part of the mass, it directly follows the Opening Prayer of the day. There are three readings and a psalm on Sundays and major feasts, and two readings and a psalm on weekdays. The gospel follows, directly preceded by the recitation of the Alleluia (proper for the day).

After the gospel the Priest delivers the homily, and the congregation recites the Creed (on Sundays and major feasts).

At this point, the Mass of the faithful begins. It consists of the offertory rites, offertory procession where the gifts are presented to the priest. Then begins the Canon, the Eucharistic prayer, beginning with a proper preface, followed by the recitation of the Sanctus (holy, holy holy...). In the midst of this, the priest begins the institution narrative (The night before he was given up to death he took bread...). This is the point where Transubstantiation occurs.

The Eucharistic prayer ends with the doxology (through him, with him, in him...) and the great Amen. After this the Communion Rite begins. Here is recited the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father"), the fraction of the host, and the reception of holy communion. And finally after all that has been done, the priest dismisses the people. "The mass is ended, Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."

Roman Catholic AnswerThe first part is known as the Liturgy of the Word, it used to be know as the Mass of the Catechumens; the second part is known as the Liturgy of the Eucharist, it used to be called the Mass of the Faithful.
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11y ago

The Catholic modern Mass is generally divided into two large segments known as the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful.

The Mass of the Faithful consists of an introductory rite, a penitential rite, the recitation of the Kyrie, occasionally the recitation of the Gloria, and then the collect/prayer of the day.

The Liturgy of the word is carried out during this part of the mass, it directly follows the collect of the day. There are two readings and a psalm on Sundays and major feasts, and one reading and a psalm on week days. The gospel follows, directly preceded by the recitation of the alleluia (proper for the day).

After the gospel the Priest delivers the homily, and the congregation recites the creed (on Sundays and major feasts)

At this point the Mass of the faithful begins. It consists of the offertory rites, offertory procession where the gifts are presented to the priest. Then begins the Canon, the Eucharistic prayer, beginning with a proper preface, followed by the recitation of the Sanctus (holy, holy holy...). In this midst of this the priest begins the institution narrative (The night before he was given up to death he took bread...) This is the point where Transubstantiation occurs.

The Eucharistic prayer ends with the doxology (through him, with him, in him...) and the great Amen. After this the communion begins. Here is recited the lords prayer, the fraction of the host, and the reception of communion. And finally after all that has been done the priest dismisses the people. "The mass is ended, Go in Peace. "

Procession, Readings, Homily, Consecration, Recession

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8y ago

The basic structure of the Mass has four parts: two main parts and two framing rites:

Introductory Rites

LITURGY of the WORD (Biblical Readings, Homily, Creed, Intercessions)

LITURGY of the EUCHARIST (Preparation, Eucharistic Prayer; Communion Rite)

Concluding Rite


The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are the two main parts of the Mass.

The Catholic Mass is generally divided into two large segments known as the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful.

The Mass of the Faithful consists of an introductory rite, a penitential rite, the recitation of the Kyrie, occasionally the recitation of the Gloria, and then the collect/prayer of the day.

The Liturgy of the Word is carried out during this part of the mass, it directly follows the Opening Prayer of the day. There are two readings and a psalm on Sundays and major feasts, and one reading and a psalm on week days. The gospel follows, directly preceded by the recitation of the alleluia (proper for the day).

After the gospel the Priest delivers the homily, and the congregation recites the Creed (on Sundays and major feasts)

At this point the Mass of the faithful begins. It consists of the offertory rites, offertory procession where the gifts are presented to the priest. Then begins the Canon, the Eucharistic prayer, beginning with a proper preface, followed by the recitation of the Sanctus (holy, holy holy...). In this midst of this the priest begins the institution narrative (The night before he was given up to death he took bread...) This is the point where Transubstantiation occurs.

The Eucharistic prayer ends with the doxology (through him, with him, in him...) and the great Amen. After this the Communion Rite begins. Here is recited the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father"), the fraction of the host, and the reception of holy communion. And finally after all that has been done the priest dismisses the people. "The mass is ended, Go in Peace. "


* Introductory Rites

  • Liturgy of the Word
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • The Concluding Rites

Here is an outline of the Mass:

• Introductory Rites

. • Entrance (All stand)

. • Greeting

. • Act of Penitence

. • Kyrie Eleison (Greek for "Lord have mercy")

. • Gloria

. • Opening Prayer

• Liturgy of the Word

. • First Reading - usually from the Old Testament (All sit)

. • Responsorial Psalm

. • Second Reading - usually from a New Testament Epistle

. • Gospel Reading (All stand)

. • Homily (All sit for the sermon)

. • Profession of Faith (the Nicene Creed) (All stand)

. • Prayer of the Faithful (prayers of petition)

• Liturgy of the Eucharist

. • The Preparation of the Gifts - the bread and wine are brought forward and placed on the altar, our monetary offerings are also collected at this time (All sit)

. • The Prayer over the Offerings (All stand)

. • The Eucharistic Prayer - during this prayer the bread and wine change into the Body and Blood of Christ (Catholics kneel, visitors may kneel or sit)

. • The Lord's Prayer (All stand)

. • The Rite of Peace (We offer each other a sign of peace)

. • The Breaking of the Bread

. • Communion - non-Catholics are requested out of respect not to receive Communion, they may approach the altar with their arms crossed over their chest to receive a blessing (Stand or kneel according to local custom)

• The Concluding Rites

. • Announcements (All sit)

. • Blessing (All stand)

. • Dismissal

. • Procession

The Liturgy of the Eucharist consists of the preparation of the gifts, the Eucharistic prayer (which includes the Consecration), the Commuion Rite, the final prayer, and the dismissal.

· The parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist are the Presentation and Preparation of Gifts, The Eucharistic Prayer, The Communion Rite and the Concluding Rite.

· During the Presentation and Preparation of Gifts, members bring up the bread and wine to the altar table and bring the financial collection. After the priest receives the gifts, he prays over the bread and wine and washes his hand to show purification.

· The Eucharistic Prayer, a prayer of thanks, praise, and consecration. It is also the highest point in the Mass.

· The communion rite begins with the Lord's prayer, then, it's the sign of peace, and lastly, there is Communion.

· The Concluding Rite is when the priest blesses us and then tells us to go out into the world to serve God.


I think you meant to ask " What are the four parts of the Eucharist"...maybe? 1. Introductory Rite 2. Liturgy of the Word 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist 4. Concluding Rite

Catholic AnswerThe Eucharist is usually divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the first part of the Mass which includes the greeting, the Penitential Rite, the Gloria, the Readings and the Psalm, the Homily, the Creed, and the Intercessions. The Second half of the Mass is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and consists of the preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, the Communion Rite, the final Prayer, and the Dismissal. AnswerThe Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Unlike in some Christian denominations, Jesus is not present with the bread and wine, or even in the forms of bread and wine, but under the appearance of bread and wine. This is known as transubstantiation, because the substance itself has changed. Therefore, bread and wine are not considered parts of the Holy Eucharist. AnswerThe Bread, that is the Body Of Christ, and the Wine, which is the Blood Of Christ.
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15y ago

The Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The Liturgy of the Word begins with the Greeting and Introductory prayers, and is then followed by the daily readings from Holy Scripture according to the Season.

After this comes a short Homily (Sermon), which is then followed by

the Liturgy of the Eucharist, i.e. the Offertory, where the gifts of bread and wine and water which compose the Elements of the Eucharist are offered up to God. This is then followed by the Consecration, where the Elements are Transubstantiated into the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, in a bloodless reenactment of the Sacrifice of Calvary which brought about the Redemption of all. After this comes first the Priest's Communion, and then the General Communion of the Faithful present who may according to local tradition receive either the Altar Bread alone, or both the Altar Bread and Wine, under which form the Communicant is receiving the body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. After the Communion there follows a period of silent recollection and Thanksgiving, ending with the dismissal prayers and final blessing after which the service is finished.

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11y ago

* Introductory Rites * Liturgy of the Word * Liturgy of the Eucharist * The Concluding Rites Here is an outline of the Mass: • Introductory Rites

. • Entrance (All stand)

. • Greeting

. • Act of Penitence

. • Kyrie Eleison (Greek for "Lord have mercy")

. • Gloria

. • Opening Prayer • Liturgy of the Word

. • First Reading - usually from the Old Testament (All sit)

. • Responsorial Psalm

. • Second Reading - usually from a New Testament Epistle

. • Gospel Reading (All stand)

. • Homily (All sit for the sermon)

. • Profession of Faith (the Nicene Creed) (All stand)

. • Prayer of the Faithful (prayers of petition) • Liturgy of the Eucharist

. • The Preparation of the Gifts - the bread and wine are brought forward and placed on the altar, our monetary offerings are also collected at this time (All sit)

. • The Prayer over the Offerings (All stand)

. • The Eucharistic Prayer - during this prayer the bread and wine change into the Body and Blood of Christ (Catholics kneel, visitors may kneel or sit)

. • The Lord's Prayer (All stand)

. • The Rite of Peace (We offer each other a sign of peace)

. • The Breaking of the Bread

. • Communion - non-Catholics are requested out of respect not to receive Communion, they may approach the altar with their arms crossed over their chest to receive a blessing (Stand or kneel according to local custom) • The Concluding Rites

. • Announcements (All sit)

. • Blessing (All stand)

. • Dismissal

. • Procession
The basic structure of the Mass has four parts: two main parts and two framing rites: Introductory Rites

LITURGY of the WORD (Biblical Readings, Homily, Creed, Intercessions)

LITURGY of the EUCHARIST (Preparation, Eucharistic Prayer; Communion Rite)

Concluding Rite
The six parts of the mass: first liturgy of the word, Offertory,Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion and the recessional,

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10y ago

The Five Main Parts of the Mass all give praise to God:

The Parts of the Mass


First, there is a gathering together. Catholics leave their

ordinary life to gather and meet Jesus. The priest stands in the

place of Jesus. He leads everyone in making the sign of the



There is a time called the Penitential Rite. In this time the

people say sorry to God for their sins and ask for healing.

Liturgy of the Word: Readings

In the Mass, people listen to readings from The Bible, the Word

of God, read from the lectern.

The priest then explains to the people what these readings

mean. This is called the homily.

Liturgy of the Word: Creed and Bidding Prayers

People all rise to proclaim the basic belief of the Church. This

is called the Creed.

After this there is a time to ask God for all the needs of the

Church and the World. These are bidding prayers.

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Offertory

In the Mass, people bring gifts up to the altar. These are gifts

of bread and wine. Usually, there is a gift of money, too. This

part is called the Offertory. © 2006 P.J. McHugh

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Eucharistic Prayer

Eucharist means 'thanksgiving'. Jesus said a prayer of

thanksgiving and blessing over the bread and fish. The

priest also asks the Father in heaven to bless the gifts of

bread and wine on the altar.

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Consecration

In the Mass, when the priest says the words of Jesus at the Last

Supper, the gifts of bread and wine are changed miraculously into

Jesus' body and blood.

Communion Rite: Lord's Prayer

All rise together to say the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. This is

the 'Our Father' or 'Lord's Prayer'. We have one Father in heaven

and we are all his children.

Communion Rite: Communion

The people are invited to share in this marvellous feast of Jesus' body

and blood. This is food for their souls, to strengthen them as they try to follow Jesus.

Tabernacle reservation

In the Mass, the sacred hosts (of Christ's body) are gathered and placed

in the tabernacle. In this special way, Jesus remains present for anyone

who wishes to meet him and say a little prayer.


Jesus said goodbye to the crowds and sent them back to their ordinary lives. The

priest also dismisses the people with the words:

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God

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11y ago

The following is an outline of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Eucharist (Mass).

  • Introductory Rites
    • Entrance Procession
    • Greeting of the Altar and the Assembly
    • Penitential Rite/Sprinkling
    • Gloria
    • Collect:Opening Prayer
  • Liturgy of the Word
    • Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament)
    • Psalm
    • Christian Scripture (New Testament)
    • Procession/Acclamation
    • Gospel
    • Homily
    • Dismissal of the Catechumens
    • Profession of Faith
    • Prayers of the Faithful/General Intercessions
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
    • Procession/Preparation of the Gifts
    • Prayer over the Gifts
    • Eucharistic Prayer/Anaphora
      • Preface/Thanksgiving "The lord be with you..."
      • Acclamation: Sanctus
      • Epiclesis:Invitation of the Holy Spirit (consecration)
      • Institution Narrative (consecration)
      • Anamnesis:Memorial
      • Offering
      • Intercessions
      • Doxology and Great Amen
    • Communion Rite
    • Lord's Prayer
    • Sign of Peace
    • Fraction Rite (Agnus Dei)
    • Communion Procession
    • Prayer after Communion
    • [Period of silent reflection or meditative hymn]
  • Concluding Rites
    • Announcements, Commissioning
    • Prayer over the people
    • Blessing/Dismissal
    • Procession
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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Mass is divided into two parts the Liturgy of the Word (Mass of the Catechumens) and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Mass of the Faithful). The first part contains the Penitential Rite, the Readings, the Psalm, Homily, and the Creed. The first part is were we come to learn about God, and to confess our sins, and confess our faith and present our petitions. The Second part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist is where Our Blessed Lord comes to feed us with His Most Holy Body and Bloody.
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11y ago

In order 1st-5th

Introductory Rites

Liturgy of the Word

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Communion Rite

Concluding Rite

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Usually, they are musical settings of the common liturgical parts of the Catholic Mass, known as the Mass Canon. They are traditionally these parts: -Kyrie -Gloria -Credo -Sanctus et Benedictus -Agnus Dei Though sometimes other parts are set, or even parts more specific for the occasion, known as the Mass Propers.

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The two parts of the Mass are the Liturgy of the Word and then the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the beginning of the Holy Mass we read 4 passages from Bible on Sundays and 3 on weekdays. The most important part of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. (Communion).

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sign of the crossRoman Catholic AnswerThe Mass is divided into two parts, the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful. Currently they are called the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The first part would be the Mass of the Catechumens or the Liturgy of the Word.

Where can one watch the Catholic Mass online?

Catholic Mass can be seen on The Daily Mass, Catholic TV, Sjccdalton, The Sunday Mass, and Saint Mary of Angels. Some of the sites have a daily Mass and others have selected services.

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What are the essential parts of Catholic weekly Mass that one must attend?

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