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Sea turtlesSea turtles have both an internal and external skeleton. The external skeleton is comprised of a bony shell and provides protection and support to internal organs. The external skeleton is divided into two parts: the lower plastron and the upper carapace. The carapace is comprised of the fused, broadened ribs of the turtle and is covered by structures called scutes. Turtle species may be classified based on the number of each type of scute. There are four types of scutes: the nuchal scute, which is located at the front end of the carapace, the vertebral scutes, which run down the center of the organism, the coastal scutes, adjacent to the vertebral scutes, and the marginal scutes, which line the outer edge of the turtle shell.

The internal skeleton anchors the turtles' muscles. The spine is fused to the carapace in all species except the leatherback; and the long digits in the limbs of the turtle fuse together to form a flipper. Sea turtles cannot pull their heads and legs back into their shells.

Turtle flippers are sensitive to touch. The front flippers form a figure-8 pattern and act to propel the organism through the water, while the rear flippers provide direction and stability to the turtle's movement. Female sea turtles also use the rear flippers to dig out nest cavities.

Sea turtles do not have teeth; rather, their mouths are sharp and beak-like for crushing and tearing food. Leatherback sea turtles even have spines in their mouths to keep jellyfish from escaping!

Sea turtles' eyes are well suited for underwater living; however, above the water, the eyes only provide a near-sighted view of the world. In order to rid their bodies of excess salt ingested while drinking seawater, sea turtles have evolved a gland near the eye that releases excess salts. The gland also excretes fluids that help to keep a female turtle's eyes moist while they are on land nesting.

Sea turtle ears are located inside of the turtles' heads, so that the turtles are more aerodynamic in the water, and have the capability of detecting low frequency sounds and vibrations.

Sea turtles have a very powerful sense of smell. It has been theorized that this may help female sea turtles return to the beach on which they hatched, so that she may lay her eggs on the same beach. Sea turtles must return to the surface of the water for air.

Male and female turtles have few visible physical differences. A female sea turtle's tail typically does not extend beyond the hind flippers, while the tail of a male sea turtle typically extends well beyond the hind limbs. Female sea turtles also have a structure used to deposit eggs, the ovipositor.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The lower shell, called the "plastron," and the upper shell, called the "carapace."

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11y ago

the head,tail,snoit and nictitating membrane

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10y ago

what are the loggerhead sea turtles body markings

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12y ago

a shell isn't that obvious

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Any multi-cellular organism has body tissue. There are several types of body tissue, including nervous and muscle, which turtles must have to function.

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Sea Turtles are the outcasts of the ocean. They are like meg griffin. No-body likes them.

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