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Q: What are the possible complications with uterus during pregnancy?
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If the mother is not carefull it's possible that the baby dies in her uterus.

Houses the fetus during pregnancy?

the uterus

Does pregnancy cause inflammation in the uterus?

Pregnancy does not cause inflammation in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy would serve no biological purpose.

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What are the indications of ceaserian?

due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian. due to some delivery complications it would be necessary to do ceaserian .due to some complications like PIH ,pregnancy induced diabetes,short uterus,misposition,and many other complications lead to undergo ceaserian.

In what organ is the baby housed during pregnancy?

The uterus.

Can you have IVF during pregnancy?

No. They can not enter the uterus without risking miscarriage. There is also no ovulation during pregnancy.

Does the fallopian tubes house the fetus during pregnancy?

The uterus houses the fetus during pregnancy. The fallopian tubes are the site of fertilization, and carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus.

If during the scan you see the sac in the womb is it an ectopic pregnancy?

It is possible to see a uterine sac, called a pseudo sac, with an ectopic pregnancy, but most likely there will be nothing in the uterus.

How does the cervix change in early pregnancy?

Your cervix does not grow during pregnancy but the uterus does.

Why does the womb need to be sealed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the entrance to the uterus, the cervix, is sealed by a thick mucous plug, which helps to protect the contents of the uterus from any infection.