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Processes involved in photosynthesis: # Roots absorb water from the soil. # Water is transported from the roots to the leaves by the stem. # Chlorophyll in the leaves capture sunlight to act on water. # Oxygen and moisture are given off to the air. # Carbon dioxide enters the leaves through the stomata. # Carbon dioxide combines with a substance in the cell, eventually producing a kind of sugar (I think it's glucose). # The sugar (dissolved in water) is transported from the leaves to the different parts of the plant. # Once the sugar reaches the different parts of the plant body, it may be used up by the cells. Or it may be converted into starch and stored for future use. Well, that's all, nothing else, at least, not that I know of. Heehee...^_^

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13y ago

The light reaction happens in the thylakoid membrane and converts light energy to chemical energy. This chemical reaction must, therefore, take place in the light. Chlorophyll and several other pigments such as beta-carotene are organized in clusters in the thylakoid membrane and are involved in the light reaction. Each of these differently-colored pigments can absorb a slightly different color of light and pass its energy to the central chlorphyll molecule to do photosynthesis. The central part of the chemical structure of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring, which consists of several fused rings of carbon and nitrogen with a magnesium ion in the center.

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