

What are the processes that break down rocks?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What are the processes that break down rocks?
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What are two processes that can break down rocks?

Mechanical wethering and Chemical wethering are the two major process that break down the rocks.

What is weathering is the surface processes that work to break down?


What evidence is there that rocks dissolve?

weathering is the best evidence.all rocks break down when exposed to weathering processes such as erosion

What processes most directly helps create soil from rocks?

Weathering and erosion break down rocks until they, eventually, become soil.

What effect does erosion sea cliffs have on other processes and natural features?

The sea softens up the rocks and the rocks break up and fall down to the ground.

Which force does not break down rocks in nature?

sunlight does not break down rocks

What name is this process when rocks break down?

the process is called weathering when the rocks break down

Why are the rocks big at the bottom of the soil profile?

Rocks are formed initially as one large slab, then are broken down by various processes. Most of the processes that will break rocks down into smaller rocks require the rock be exposed to the weather (wind, rain, freeze/thaw cycle, mechanical separation by roots growing into the cracks), so the further the rocks are from the surface, the larger they are likely to be.

What occurs during the weathering process?

There are 2 main processes of weathering, mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. In both processes the rocks are broken down. In the mechanical weathering process the rocks are simply made smaller. they are the same composition, just smaller pieces. In the process of chemical weathering the minerals in the rocks undergo a chemical change, they break down. This break down of minerals make them easier to erode. But, erosion is a different question.

Can you find fossils in the soil?

This is extremely unlikely, as the processes which break down rocks to produce soil would destroy the fossil (which is also rock).

What can turn big rocks to small rocks into sand particles?

Weathering. It is a set of processes that break solid rocks into fragments.

How do changes in temperature cause rocks to break down?

It breaks down the rocks