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There are definitely two (maybe three!) camps about the pros and cons of putting a child into daycare. Both pros and cons are not necessarily factual statements about all daycares, but are often mentioned anyway whether there are facts or not.

Some cons that are often heard include:

  • Babies are too young to benefit from socializing aspects of daycare.
  • Children are "warehoused", left in cribs and playpens, with little interaction.
  • Babies and young children need to be raised by parents (moms specifically), not by daycare Staffs.
  • Babies cannot learn to "share"; this skill does not develop until after age 2 yrs.
  • Daycares breed illnesses.
  • The length of a "day" is too long for children left in daycare.
  • Parents cannot control what behaviors are ignored or reinforced if the parent is not there to parent.
  • Imposed schedules do not work for all babies or children.

Some pros that are often heard include:

  • Daycares provide safe places for children of working parents.
  • Babies and children learn better how to socialize and to share.
  • Babies and children benefit by schedules used in daycares.
  • Daycare Staffs provide more attention to babies and children than what they get if at home.
  • Exposure to illnesses develops a stronger immune system.
  • Daycares give access to a wider range of toys and experiences than a baby or child gets at home.

There are many more pros and cons cited.

Note that my lists are from the baby-child perspective. Additional pros and cons focus on the parents' needs, most often the mother.

Parents cite the need to work, to earn an income, and to feel fulfilled through employment. Although a child may be in daycare for 10 hours or more, many parents believe they have no choice. Others believe daycare benefits their child, despite any negatives.

Each parent must evaluate his/her own circumstances and the daycare they'd like to choose. A list of pros and cons must be individualized based on the best interests of the child weighed against the needs of parents.

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