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its a led diode

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Q: What are the rays coming from laptop?
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Is the carbon dioxide layer also prevents the coming of the UV-rays from the sun?

No, carbon dioxide does not. it does not stop UV rays from the sun from coming to surface.

What is true of an angle of light rays coming into an object and the angle of light rays reflected off an object?

Reflected rays are equal to the angle of incoming rays.

How Is Ozone Layer Responsible For Life On Earth?

The ozone layer blocks the UV rays coming from sun. These UV rays are fatal rays of the sun.

What is that black box in a laptop power cord?

That is a transformer, it lowers the voltage coming from the plug to a lower voltage that the laptop can handle.

What is true of the angle of light ray s coming into an object and the angle of light rays reflected off an object?

Reflected rays are equal to the angle of incoming rays.

What picture could you use to represent the word ray?

A picture of the Sun with rays or draw the Earth with gamma rays coming towards it

How would you detect x-rays coming from the sun?

well put it on a roof

How would you detect x- rays coming from the sun?

well put it on a roof

What temperature can air coming out of a laptop burn skin?

140 degrees Fahrenheit

What layer of the atmosphere absorbs x rays coming from the sun?

The atmosphere does not filter X-rays. It does filter ultraviolet radiation, in the ozone layer.