

What are the rights of father's visitation?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Just my opinion. I believe that if there is no court ordered parental custody or neither parent has filed for total custodym then either parent has the right to the child until otherwise ordered by a judge.

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Q: What are the rights of father's visitation?
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What is an 18 year old fathers rights to his newborn child?

His rights are to pay child support and petition for visitation.

What are visitation rights for fathers who does not pay child support?

Whatever he obtains from the courts. The two are not connected.

What is the minimum visitation rights for fathers?

Information on visitation rights for father's can be provided by any attorney that works with related matters. Many law offices exist within many towns in the country.

How hard would it be for a fathers visitation rights to be taken away if he smokes marijuana while the child is in his custody?

Why take it away? That is just as damaging. Request supervised visitation.

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DNA testing can be done before or after a birth certificate is signed if there is any question about who the father of a child is or if visitation rights are being contested.

What are an unwed fathers rights to his child?

Until paternity is established the birth mother is considered to hold sole custody of a minor child. For a father to have custodial or visitation rights it must be agreed on by the mother of the child or through the prescribed court procedures by means of a lawsuit.

Can the biological father of your daughter whom she does not know seek visitation or custody only if you file for divorce from the mother?

yes biological fathers may seek visitation and custody rights

What would the fathers visitation rights if child lives in a different state?

He has whatever rights the courts set forth, but he might have to pay for at least half the travel costs.

How do you enforce visitation rights if you surrenderd your parental rights?

You can not get visitation rights if you gave up your parental rights.

Can a sister have visitation rights if parents are not cooperative?

Siblings dont have any visitation rights. You may be able to petition the court to ask for visitation rights.

If a child lives with mom and dad has visitation rights how old can the child be before they don't have court rights to go to the fathers?

See Link Below'Child Refusing To Visit Other Parent?'

What are the fathers visitation rights in west Virginia?

In West Virginia, a father is granted visitation if paternity has been established. The courts encourage parents to work out a visitation agreement on their own, but if they cannot a judge will do so based upon the information available about the environment and availability of each parent.