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Updated AnswerIf it is meant Islam faith rules, they are:
  1. faith in the oneness of Allah (God, the one and only one God).
  2. faith in God Angels
  3. faith in all God holy books (including Torah, Psalm, Bible, and Quran)
  4. faith in all God prophets (including, among others, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed, peace upon them all)
  5. faith in in the Day of Judgment
  6. faith in destiny

If it is meant Islam pillars, they are:

  1. Witness that no God but Allah (the one and only one God) and prophet Mohamed is His Messenger
  2. Prayer
  3. Paying Zakat (specific compulsory Charity)
  4. Fasting Ramadan
  5. Pilgrimage for who can afford it

For other rules of Islam teachings, Islam morals, Islam and Quran Golden rules and for more information on the above, refer to the related attached questions listed below

Answer 11-There is only "one God", Allah, creator of the whole universe, who is just, compassionate, and merciful. The absolute unity and power resides in God. Creator of life and death, the guide to righteous, the friend and protector of the sick and the poor. He chastises eternally the infidels to Hell, and he rewards the faithful with eternal Heaven.

-"Allah", "The God", comes from "Al" ("The"), and "Illah" ("God")... not just "a God", but "The God", for there is only one.

Believe in "Angels", who intercede with Allah for the forgiveness of the faithful.

2- "Muhammad", is the last of the all God prophets.

3- Quran or Koran, is the last of God holy book, other God holy books are the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels of Jesus.

4- "Life on Earth", is a test and only a preparation for the eternal life to come. the "faithful" are those who adore Allah, praise the Prophet Muhammad, obey the Koran doing good deeds, and fulfill the 5 pillars of Islam.

The Koran forbids representation of human and animal figures. It denounces usury, games of chance, alcohol, pork... "pride" is a cardinal sin.

5- The "Final Judgment": The faithful will go to eternal Heaven, and the infidels to eternal Hell, with the vividly rewards and punishments recorded in the Koran.

The "Five Pillars" of Islam:

1- Profession of Faith, Shahadah, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet".

2- "Prayer": "Five times a day"... "Fridays"... The "Salat":

3- "Give alms", "Zakat"

4- "Fasting", "Sawm", on the month of "Ramadan"

5- "Pilgrimage to Mecca", the "Hajj"

1- "Profession of Faith", "Shahadah":

The Shahada: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet". Both occur in the Koran, but not together. It is called the "shahada", and the prayer also asserts the belief in the Koran, the angels, and the last judgment. The greatest phrase of the Arabic language: "La ilaha illa Allah", "there is no God but Allah". A Muslim is supposed to pray the Shahada at least once in his lifetime correctly, slowly, thoughtfully, aloud, with full understanding, and with heartfelt conviction in its truth... but they actually pray it many times a day.

2- "Prayer": "Five times a day"... "Fridays"... The "Salat": See Mosque, and Prayers of Muslims

To pray 5 times a day, facing toward Mecca. The person bows, kneels, and then into a prostate position with the forehead touching the ground, wherever he is...

- Before prayer, the body must be purified by water, or sand if water is not available. The hands, feet, face, and genitals all are to be washed. Even the bathrooms are so arranged that the occupant will face in the direction of Mecca. The summons for prayer is announced by a "muezzin" (caller) from atop a "minaret" (tall tower).

- The essential prayer is the Shahada just described. And the most common and important in both private and public worship is the Sura 1, "The Opening":

Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe!, The compassionate, the Merciful, King of the Day of Judgment!. You alone we worship, and to you alone we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path, The path of those whom You have favored, Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, Nor of those who have gone astray".

- This "opening Sura", is the one of the "straight path"... if a Muslin were asked to summarize the way his religion councils man to live, he may answer: "Islam teaches man to walk in the straight path".

On "Fridays", at noon, Muslims congregate in the Mosques for the "Assembly", to pray with a special "salat", and the sermon.

The "Mosque", is most characteristic:

1- A "minaret" or tall tower.

2- A "niche", indicating the direction of Mecca.

3- The "pulpit".

4- There may be a "fountain" at the entrance for the ablutions... You have to enter the Mosque without shoes, because it is a "sacred place"... there are not seats, but the floor is covered with the "prayer rug"... and since every corner of the universe is equally pure, the faithful are encouraged "to spread the prayer rug" wherever they find themselves at the appointed hour of prayer.

- The officials of the Mosque are, the "iman" (leader), the "preacher", and the "muezzin" (who calls to prayer from the minaret). No priests.

- One of the most impressive sights in the religion of man occurs when, in a dimly lighted mosque, hundreds of men stand shoulder to shoulder, then kneel and prostate themselves toward Mecca.

More on the Mosque

- The "call to prayer" ("adhan"), is made 5 times a day by the "muezzin ("caller") from all the minarets in the world, and now from radio and television in the 5 continents, and always in Arabic: It consists of 7 short statements, the most important phrases of the Arabic language:

Allahu akbar! (God is the greatest!). Allahu akbar!. La ilaha illa Allah (there is no God but Allah). I testify that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah. Arise and pray; arise and pray. Allahu akbar. La ilaha illa Allah.

"Muslims" pray very much, with fervor, and respect, it is the basis of their success!.

The "Tasbih" ("Rosary"), or "Subha":

On top of praying 5 times a day, Muslims may practice at hand their "tasbih" (rosary), similar to the one of the Catholics, but with 99 beads, corresponding to the 99 attributes or names of God. They have also a "smaller Rosary", with 33 beads, one third of the regular one.

"To practice the Tasbih", is simple, and every Christian or Jew can do it:

1- The first 33 beads (or 11 beads), you say: "Subhana Allah": "Blessed be God".

2- The second 33 beads, you say: "Elhandu Allah": "Thank you God".

3- The last 33 beads you say: "Allahu akbar": "God is the greatest"... the greatest expression of a Muslim!.

When you visit any Muslim Country, the peasants are all day praying and playing with their tasbih (rosary), usually with the smaller one.

3- "Give alms", "Zakat", the third pillar:

- Every middle and upper class Muslim must give 2½% of what they possess... not of what they earn, but of the value of all they possess!...

4- "Fasting", "Sawm", on the month of "Ramadan", the 9th month of the lunar year, because in this month Muhammad received his initial commission as a prophet, and because 10 years later he made the Hegira from Mecca to Medina on the same month. All people over 14 are required to take no food nor drink, nor engage in sexual intercourse, during the daylight.

5- "Pilgrimage to Mecca", the "Hajj", if possible, at least once in a lifetime, remembering the place where God's climatic revelation was first disclosed, and to kiss the "Kaaba", the black stone, supposedly the oldest religious structure in the world, built by Abraham and Ishmael... though many scholars doubt that Abraham was ever at Mecca. The pilgrim is referred as a "Hajj".

Answer 2The most important rule is to worship Allah (God in English) as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence and to believe that Muhammad (PBUH) is His prophet and Messenger. For other rules refer to related questions below.

The basic and primary Islam rule is to worship Allah (or God and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) as the one and only one God with no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

Refer to related question below for other Islam rules and fundamentals.

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3y ago
I am Islam and this will help me a lot,Massalah
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8y ago

They are Quran instructions and Prophet Muhamed's guidelines , both are classified under Goodness , which can be well-estimated by proper Human mind and in accordance with right deeds as a whole

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8y ago

One who recites the Kalema-e-Shahaadat deserves to be called as a Muslim, hence reciting Kalema-e-Shahaadat is a rule for a person to be a Muslim.

If for becoming Muslim, one has to follow the rule of recitation of Kalema-e-Shahaadat then forget about leading the life under the umbrella of Islaam without following the rules of Shari'at and the Qur'an.

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8y ago
Some Muslim rules are:6:151 Say, "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. [He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment, and do not kill your children out of poverty; We will provide for you and them. And do not approach immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed. And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason."
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12y ago

the main 5 fundamentals of Islam are.....

monotheism - believing in 1 god and his prophets.

charity - give money to the poor

prayer - pray to god

hajj - a thing that they gotta do at least 1 if they can afford it.

fasting - not eating food from time x to time y, in the month of z. where x = sunrise, and y = sunset and z = ramadhan.

shi-ite Muslims got their own beliefs goto wiki cant be bothered.

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14y ago

the rules that the Muslim must obey are the five pillars of Islam

1st pillar: saying there is no god but god and Muhammad is his profit

2nd pillar: praying five times a day

3rd pillar: giving to the poor and needy

4th pillar: fasting during the holy month of the Ramadan

5th pillar: traveling at least once to mecca on a hajj

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8y ago

Muslims are bound by the Qur'an to follow Divine Mandates as those are in the Qur'an and as those were exemplified by Muhammad in his life. These commands are interpreted and applied by Islamic Scholars or Faqihs who clarify a broad base of law that applies to Muslims. This law is the called the Proper Path or Shari'a.

There are numerous specific rules. If you want to read about particular moral questions, I have included a link to a website that describes various Shari'a Laws: Sharia: A Practical Guide.

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refer to below links:

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