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can - could

draw - drew

become - became

forbid - forbade

misunderstand - misunderstood

overcome - overcame

partake - partook

mistake - mistook

withstand - withstood

slink - slunk

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12y ago
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12y ago

Walk is a regular verb

walk is the base or infinitive, walked is the form for the past tense and past participle.

I walked along the beach yesterday. (walked = past tense)

I have walked there many times. (walked = past participle)

English regular verbs add -ed to the infinitive to form the past tense and the past participle. Irregular verbs don't.

English irregular verbs do not follow this pattern.

example of an irregular verb

to see - saw - seen

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15y ago

REGULAR VERBS form the past tense by adding '-ed', e.g. jump/jumped, climb/climbed, paint/painted. But IRREGULAR VERBS have irregular forms for their tenses, e.g. write/wrote, sing/sang, go/went.

Some irregular verbs:-

arise awake be bear beat become befall begin bend bet bid bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy cast catch choose cling come cost creep cut deal dig dive do draw dream drink drive dwell eat fall feed feel fight find fit flee fling fly forbid forecast forget forgive forgo forsake freeze get give go grind grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt input keep kneel knit know lay lead lean leap learn leave lend let lie(1) light lose make mean meet mow pay plead prove put quit read rid ride ring rise run saw(2) say see seek sell send set sew shake shear shed shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit slay sleep slide sling slit smell sow speak speed spell spend spill spin spit split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting stink stride strike string strive swear sweep swell swim swing take teach tear tell think throw thrust tread understand wake wear weave weep wet win wind wring write.


(1) To lie = to assume a horizontal position.

(2) To saw = to cut with a saw.

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12y ago

The most irregular of verbs are BE and Have

  • I am
  • you are
  • he/she is
  • I will be
  • I was
  • you were
  • I have been
  • I was being
  • to be
  • if I were
  • I have
  • he/she has
  • to have
  • I had
  • I have had
  • I have been having
  • I am having
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11y ago

There are about 400 irregular verbs in English of which about 200 are used in everyday speach.

If by irregular verb, you mean all verbs that do not just add '-ed' in both the simple past tense and the past participle, then it's quite a high number. Further, it is not stated whether this is US or UK English. 'Dive' and 'fit' are regular verbs in Britain, but irregular in the US, for example.

So, my guess is that the number is probably around 300 - give or take. (And those last two are both irregular!)

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13y ago

Regular verbs in English add -ed to the stem for the past tense and the past participle. Example: help, have helped. Irregular verbs have different spellings, different vowels or a completely different word. e.g. to go went gone

regular verb

infinitive - to live

past tense - lived

present perfect - have lived

irregular verb

infinitive - to give

past tense - gave

present perfect - have given

Some verbs are regular in US English and irregular in British English


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11y ago

Regular verbs form their past tense by adding -ed. For example, jump becomes jumped. Irregular verbs don't have a specific pattern they follow to form the past tense. For example, run becomes ran.

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11y ago

The most irregular verb is the verb to be: am, is. are, was, were.

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9y ago

Irregular verbs are verbs that, when conjugated, differ from the infinitive. For instance, the verb "to be" is irregular. A sentence using this irregular verb is, "I am a woman."

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What is iregalar verbs?

Irregular verbs are verbs that congagate differently. For example, tener. Tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen. That is irregular. A regular verb is like nadar where it follows the regular pattern.

Regular or irregular verbs?


Why you are using ed with irregular verbs?

-ed is added to regular verbs, not irregular ones.

How do you form the past tense of regular and irregular verbs?

To form the past tense of regular verbs, -ed is added to the end of the word.For example, 'laugh' becomes 'laughed'.With regular verbs, the simple past tense and the past participle forms are the same.Irregular verbs aren't as simple. There is no simple way like there is with regular verbs but rather you have to just learn the list of irregular verbs.An example of an irregular verb is 'eat'.The simple past is 'ate' whilst the past participle is 'eaten'.

Is no and not are example of irregular verbs?

"No" and "not" are not verbs.

Do irregular verbs follow a standard like regular verbs do?

No they do not. You're required to learn the past tense forms of irregular verbs unlike regular verbs where they end in -ed.

How do regular verbs and irregular verbs form their past tense?

-ed is added to the end of regular verbs to form the past tense. For example, the past tense of 'dance' is 'danced'. Irregular verbs do not follow a pattern to form their past tense form. You must simply learn the past tense of these verbs. For example, the past tense of 'see' is 'saw'.

What is the iregular verb for talks?

talks is a form of the verb talk so is talked and talking.There is no irregular verb for talk. Talk is a regular verb not an irregular verb.Some verbs are regular verbs - this means you make the past tense by adding -ed for example - talk/talkedSome verbs are irregular verbs - this means the past tense is not made by adding -ed for example - run/ran

What are the to kinds of verbs?

regular and irregular

Is the word joined regular or irregular verbs?

It is a regular verb.

What is the past tense of irregular and regular?

The words "irregular" and "regular" are not verbs and do not have past tense forms.

How do regular and irregular form their past form?

Regular verbs are verbs that don't change when in past tense. Ex: skip/skipped. Irregular verbs DO change when in past tense. For example: I TEACH you this year, but I TAUGHT you last year. Teach and taught are two different words.