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i would like to answer this as per my knowledge and the only thing that i remember is the person having downs syndrome the eyes will be similar to that of mongol es and there forehead will be large

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when the baby has no crease between the nose and mouth

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Q: What symptoms would a baby have if it has down syndrome?
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Can you catch anything off a down syndrome?

It's not contagious. The only way you would have it or any symptoms of it would be if you were born with it.

How is it possible for two people with down syndrome to produce a normal healthy child?

no because since they both have down syndrome, they will have 100 percent that they will have a down syndrome baby

If an older sibling has Down syndrome will a newborn baby also be born with Down syndrome?

No, this is not necessarily the case.

If there is Down syndrome on your husband's side are you likely to have a special needs baby?

You're husband may not necessarily have the down syndrome allele. Also the only way you would have a special needs baby is if you also have the recessive (down syndrome) allele. Here are the chances: If neither of you have the recessive (down syndrome) allele - 0% If one of you have the recessive allele - 0% If you both have the recessive allele - 25% The chances are pretty low but it is not definite that you wont have a special needs baby.

Is there cure for down syndrome?

No, there's no cure, but there are treatments to control the symptoms.

Is Down Syndrome the same as Marfan Syndrome?

No. Down is caused by an extra chromosome while Marfan is due to a mutation in one or more genes.

Does Bristol Palin's baby have Down syndrome?


Would a male with Down syndrome and a male without Down syndrome have a child with Down syndrome?

== == * I did some research and learned that men with Down syndrome are usually sterile. Most women can get pregnant and have children. Since there is a high risk of Down syndrome in the baby (35%-50%), many times the pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. But many Down syndrome people have had children. * Technically yes, but it's unlikely. Fertility is greatly reduced in both males and females with Down syndrome, although there have been a few cases of males fathering children and females bearing them. * Actually, there has only been 1 case of a male fathering a child. A women with Down syndrome can have children, but there is a 50% chance that the baby will be born with Down syndrome.

If your newborn baby has only slightly slanted eyes -but is very active - could she have Down syndrome?

Just because a newborn baby has slightly slanted eyes does not mean that they have down syndrome. Doctors are able to diagnose down syndrome at birth.

In which age bracket do people mostly get Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is something a baby has at birth. It is not a condition that you can "get" at a later age.

Does Down Syndrome causes childlike behavior?

yes it causes childlike symptoms

When was Down syndrome first identified?

According to Columbia Encyclopedia, the symptoms of Down syndrome were "first described in 1866 by an English physician, J. Langdon Down." Down syndrome - albeit without this particularly moniker - has been known for many hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It was usually called Mongolism in recent centuries in the UK. Dr. John Langdon Down was the one who did much research on the subject, and the symptoms described by him have been renamed "Down syndrome." To read more about Down syndrome on, click on the Related Link.