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They both have four sides.

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Q: What are the similarities between a parallelogram and square?
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What is different between a parallelogram and a square?

A parallelogram can have adjacent sides and angles which are different. A square cannot.

What is the difference between a parallelogram and a square?

A square is a parallelogram a parallelogram isn't always a square. The definition of parallelogram is a closed shape with two parallel sides. So a rectangle is a parallelogram and so is a square and a rombus. The definition of square is shape with four equal sides.

What are the similarities between a hexagon and a parallelogram?

A hexagon and a parallelogram are both polygons that have exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

What is the similarities between ractangle and parallelogram?

The similarities are rectangle is shape like L and the other 1 I sharp as an equal

Is a A square a parallelogram?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

A square is a parallelogram.?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

Is a square or trapezoid have a special name and is a parallelogram?

Square = parallelogram and a square trapezoid = trapezoid Parallelogram = Parallelogram

When is a square a parallelogram?

A square is always a parallelogram. Every square is a parallelogram.

What are the differences between a parallelogram and square?

A square is a special kind of parallelogram. All four of its sides are the same length and all four of its angles are equal.

Is a parallelogram is a square?

No, a parallelogram is not necessarily square.However, by definition, a square is always a parallelogram.

What are the similarities of a rhombus and a parallelogram?

They are just different names for the same shape. * * * * * Actually, they are not. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all its sides of the same length. It is, therefore a special kind of parallelogram. (Just like a square is a special kind of rectangle). So all properties of a parallelogram apply to a rhombus.

Is a parallelogram a type of square?

No , parallelogram is not a type of square .