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Q: What are the smallest units of covalent molecular compounds called?
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Are All organic compounds are covalently bonded?

Most of them are, though there are a few that are ionic such as sodium acetate and other organic acid salts. These include ionic bonds, but also contain covalent bonds within a polyatomic ion.

What are formulas for a covalent compounds called?


In a polymer very long chains of molecules are held together by very strong molecular bonds what are these forces called?

The bonds are called covalent molecular bonds.

What is the smallest particle of a covalent compound that has the property of that compound?

A molecule is the smallest particle of a "compound" being that compounds are made up of more than one atom. The smallest particle of any "chemical element" that retains its properties would be the atom.

Can compounds be formed by sharing electrons?

Yes. Compounds formed by sharing electrons are called covalent compounds.

What is it called when compounds are put together will form?

You basically got it. They're called molecular compounds.

Is glucose powder ionic or covalent?

A molecular compound is a compound in which atoms are bonded together into particles called molecules by sharing electrons. This is called covalent bonding. An ionic compound is one in which one atom or group of atoms has pulled the electrons away from one another, forming positively chraged ions called cations and negatively charged ions called anions. The oppositely charged ions are strongly attracted to one another. This is called ionic bonding.

What is a compound's smallest unit usually called?

If it is a molecular compound, the smallest unit is called a molecule. If it is an ionic compound, the smallest unit is called a formula unit.

Can a compound be formed by sharing electrons?

Yes. Compounds formed by sharing electrons are called covalent compounds.

Are molecular and covalent bonds the same?

Molecular and covalent bonds aren't really the same. It is chemical bonds that hold molecules together. These chemical bonds might be called molecular bonds, and they come in two basic flavors: ionic bonds and covalent bonds. A molecular bond might be covalent, but it might be ionic, and that's the difference.

What are the uses for covalent compounds?

There are NO specific uses possible only by being 'covalent'. A compound actually can NOT be named 'COVALENT'. Only a special type of bonding is called 'covalent'.

What is the chemical formula of a molecular compound called?

Molecular compounds are formed between two ionic bonds