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One common rule is "I before E, except after C." This means that words generally follow the pattern where "I" comes before "E" except after the letter "C." Another rule is that the order is usually "ei" in words with the "ay" sound, like in words such as "neighbor" and "weigh." However, there are many exceptions to these rules in English.

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The old rule, "i before e, except after c" is as valid as the other nonsense rules such as not beginning a sentence with "and" or "but" or "hopefully". And that's about the validity of those bogus rules. Words such as weird, and many others, make fools of those who think there are rigid rules to the English language - a language made up of so many borrowed words that spelling was, until quite recently, optional. We'd have trouble reading Chaucer or Shakespeare in their original manuscripts; like other literate English people they considered the spelling of even their own names less important than the ideas they were attempting to convey. Not a bad outlook, really. Good spelling matters today, and its effect upon people is important; they form opinions of others from spelling and grammar, and general literacy. When in doubt, consult a dictionary. OneLook is good because it trawls many other dictionaries and also uses fuzzy searching where necessary. God is good. :]

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Q: What are the spelling rules for the words with the 'ei' vowel cluster?
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What are the rules of spelling?

The terms of spelling is: -The diphthong diphthong (dipthong) is any vowel followed by w and semivowel to y. -Consonant cluster In-linguistika, The Consonant cluster is two or more neighboring consonant within a word. Similar to dual-consonant in Tagalog (from dual or two words and consonant). But only two side yung consonant in a syllable or silabol only ikinokonsider as such (in Tagalog). As no more than three neighboring konsonant a silabol in Tagalog the Filipino not like the possible existence of three to four. I used a translator so if you know some words that or incorrect please change them.

How do you sort your spelling words into categories?

by spelling patterns/rules, parts of speech, number of syllables, number of letters, by affixes

What is spelling rules definition?

"Spelling rules" are observed tendencies in spelling. People trying to learn spelling look for patterns in the way words are spelled to try to make them easier to remember. However, their purpose is description only, and never prescription, and they are rarely foolproof. One of the more famous or notorious such rules is designed to help the speller remember the order of the "ie" or "ei" vowel combination: "I before E except after C". This is helpful when you are trying to remember whether it is "friend" or "freind" (it is, of course, "friend") but is bound to steer you wrong when you are trying to spell "science" or "reign"

What are two rules for spelling words that end with an 'e'?

neglect the letter 'e' and read

What word has w as the only vowel?

The Welsh word crwth, borrowed directly without Anglicised spelling, sometimes appears in English dictionaries. In proper English, w is a vowel only when combined with another vowel, as a diphthong such as how or in words like yawn.

Why the words pronounces by its spelling?

The words can sometimes pronounce by its spelling, but the pronunciation doesn't really following the spelling directly. Instead, the words pronounces by its phonetics more directly rather than the spelling. Sometimes, the letters might have irregular pronunciations, which is generally called "tricky pronunciation", but there are some spelling context rules applied. Firstly, silent letters might sometimes occur, which a certain letter is spelt but not pronounced, but there are some certain spelling context rules to silent letters. Secondly, the letters might not be silent and still be pronounced, but instead, they have an irregular pronunciation than usual, but there are still some certain spelling context rules to irregular pronunciations. We needed to always be alert of the English spelling and pronunciations because things usually follow the rules, but this doesn't certainly happen. Sometimes, rule-breakers or exceptions might occur, which is when words doesn't really follow the rules.

What words have q at the end?

There are no real words in the English language that end in Q due to the rules of spelling, grammar and prenounciation that govern it.

What was one of the drawbacks of the influx of foreign words?

that there are no real rules for word order, spelling, or parts of speech.

What do you use after a short vowel?

In words like "slope", the "e" at the end indicates that the "o" is long, whereas in "slop" it would be short. In the case of words like "slope", the "e" itself is not pronounced at all. A short vowel is usually, but not always, followed by a consonant. There are some words that end in a short vowel. There is no general rule for this. The vowel "o" at the end of a word is long. In words that derive from Latin, the vowel "i" at the end is long. The vowel "u" at the end of a word is long, examples being "zebu" and "malibu". Otherwise in English there is no indication in the spelling as to whether a vowel is long or short; it is necessary to learn the correct pronunciation for each word.

During the Great Vowel Shift the pronunciation of words with long vowel sounds changed causing some of the many spelling irregularities you still see within the English language today?

Yes, that is true. So what is your question?