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To hear a ringing in your ears was once thought to warn of the imminent death of a friend or family member, however, it is said you can turn the sound to your advantage by asking asking a friend to pick a letter at random. The letter was said to be the initial of your future spouse.

A tingling of your ears is interpreted as someone talking about you. The right ear means they are saying good things, the left means they are gossiping about you.

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Q: What are the superstitions for when you hear a buzzing or ringing sound in your ear?
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A buzzing sound is what you will hear when something is vibrating very fast. For example, a bee flaps its wings so fast and that is what makes the buzzing sound that you hear.

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Rapid movement of the wings.

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People who hear a humming, a ringing, or a pulsation may have tinnitus or an ear infection.

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The sound you hear is just a tone meant to indicate that your call is going through. It is not the same as the one the recipient hears.

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Aids. I suggest you go see you gp immediately.

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TinnitusFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Tinnitus (IPA pronunciation: [tɪ'naɪtəs] or ['tɪnɪtəs],[1] from the Latin word for "ringing"[2]) is the perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound(s).Tinnitus can be perceived in one or both ears or in the head. It is usually described as a ringing noise, but in some patients it takes the form of a high pitched whining, buzzing, hissing, humming, or whistling sound, or as ticking, clicking, roaring, "crickets" or "locusts", tunes, songs, or beeping.[3] It has also been described as a "whooshing" sound, as of wind or wavesGreat answer above! However, I sometimes can hear this high pitched buzzing from one of my ears to the other, like if the "sound" would pass through my head, leaving the first ear partially deaf as the sound slowly goes through to the other ear, to then disappear. it usually lasts a few seconds. I've no idea what this is. Maybe I'm sensing some sort of energies around me, I don't know. Then there's this other kind of, this time constant, buzzing that I hear at night, when totally relaxed just before getting asleep. I would describe it like a very high vibration from within my head. I could hear this buzzing ever since I can remember. Those with the same symptoms, please, share.

What vibrates in a bee flying?

The buzzing or vibrating sound you hear when a bee is flying near you is due to their wings flapping so fast. Since they move at a very high speed, it makes the buzzing noise.