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ADD? Or ADHD? With ADD it is (short version) predominatly a severe inability to pay attention, to accomplish simple task, finish things started, to the point it affects your life every single day for a length of time, ADHD is that because you're hyper and can't sit still, figit all the time, are always doing something, but don't get anything done!

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Q: What are the symptoms and causes of attention deficit disorder?
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What is the name of a illness that causes children to be hyperative?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

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Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Is there an online learning disabilities screening?

Your son may have an attention deficit disorder. WebMd is the best online source because it allows you to input your son's symptoms and it will generate a list of possible causes for his disability.

What causes attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder?

The causes of ADHD are not known. However, it appears that heredity plays a major role in the development of ADHD.

What is attention deficit disorder?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are terms used to describe a condition affecting both children and adults. ADD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder in which an individual has difficulty concentrating on tasks, is easily distracted, or is hyperactive. The child with ADD: * has difficulty finishing any activity that requires concentration at home, school or play; shifts from one activity to another. * doesn't seem to listen to anything said to him or her. * acts before thinking, is excessively active and runs or climbs nearly all the time; often is very restless even during sleep. * requires close and constant supervision, frequently calls out in class, and has serious difficulty waiting his of her turn in games or groups. (see related link)I assume that we are talking about ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).The main features of attention deficit disorder are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.The causes remain unknown, but ADD can be diagnosed and effectively treated.

What is biological disorder?

A biological disorder is when something is physically wrong with the body or causes problems with the body (such as brain cancer) Example: Attention deficit disorder (ADD ADHD) is one of the most researched areas in child and adolescent mental health. Which is a biological disorder. Hope it helped. - Azad

What's Attention deficit disorder?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are terms used to describe a condition affecting both children and adults. ADD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder in which an individual has difficulty concentrating on tasks, is easily distracted, or is hyperactive. The child with ADD: * has difficulty finishing any activity that requires concentration at home, school or play; shifts from one activity to another. * doesn't seem to listen to anything said to him or her. * acts before thinking, is excessively active and runs or climbs nearly all the time; often is very restless even during sleep. * requires close and constant supervision, frequently calls out in class, and has serious difficulty waiting his of her turn in games or groups. (see related link)I assume that we are talking about ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).The main features of attention deficit disorder are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.The causes remain unknown, but ADD can be diagnosed and effectively treated.

What Should I Know About Attention Deficit Disorder?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty sustaining attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It commonly starts in childhood and continues into adulthood. Treatment options may include medication, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle modifications. It is important to seek professional diagnosis and support for individuals with ADD to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Why collect data for Attention Disorder Hyperactivity Deficit and Attention Deficit Disorder?

Scientists are not sure what causes ADHD, although many studies suggest that genes play a large role. Like many other illnesses, ADHD probably results from a combination of factors. In addition to genetics, researchers are looking at possible environmental factors, and are studying how brain injuries, nutrition, and the social environment might contribute to ADHD.

How is narcissism related to Attention Deficit Disorder?

They are related only in the sense that either can inhibit social interactions. Narcissism is defined as "vanity" or "egotism", which is considered a character flaw. ADD or ADHD is a neurological disorder that causes inattention, lack of concentration, and/or hyperactivity, especially in children.

What is the mental disorder that causes you to fake sickness for attention?

Munchausen by proxy

Paying Attention to ADD?

Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, can be defined as a difficulty with being inattentive, over-active, impulsive or any combination of these symptoms. In order for these difficulties to be diagnosed as ADD, they must be out of the normal measurements for a child's development and age. It's possible that ADD may be genetic, but it's uncertain as to what causes it. The disorder seems to spark early in life while the brain is still developing. With the use of imaging studies, it appears as though the brains of children with ADD are markedly different than the brains of other children.