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The main symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain. The pain is at first spread over the whole abdominal region, The pain is so difficult to pinpoint that when asked to point to the area of the pain, most people indicate the location of the pain with a circular motion of their hand around the central part of their abdomen. A second, common, early symptom of appendicitis is loss of appetite which may progress to nausea and even vomiting. Nausea and vomiting also may occur later due to intestinal obstruction. As inflammation increases, it extends through the appendix to its outer covering and then to the lining of the abdomen. Once the lining becomes inflamed, the pain changes and then can be localized clearly to one small area. Generally, this area is between the front of the right hip bone and the belly button. If you suspect you have a infected appendix which is known as a appendicitis or even a appendix, you should go to hospital immediately. Symptoms of a appendix are usually: Severe lower right guadrant abdominal pain which may radiate across the lower abdomonen but remains on the right side. High fever Vomiting

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17y ago
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15y ago

There are two common tests that can easily determine if a person has appendicitis.

First have the person lie down on their back. Locate the part of their hip bone that sticks out the most to the left of their bladder. This (the iliac crest) is the starting point of your line. The other end of the line is the navel. Place your hand flat on the iliac crest with your fingers together. Slide the middle three fingertips up the imaginary line towards the navel. Stop when you are one-third up the line. Press in about 2-4 inches on the abdomen. Ask the person if they feel any pain. Quickly release all pressure on the abdomen. This is called checking for "rebound tenderness." If the sudden release of pressure causes pain then the person should be taken to urgent care.

The second test is also performed with the person on their back. Hold the right heel of the person slightly above the ground until the leg extends and the knee locks. Keep the heel still while you imagine that you are trying to push their heel up towards their hip and hit the bottom of the heel with your palm. The shock of the sudden pressure will focus into the abdomen and the person will show immediate signs of extreme displeasure with you if they have appendicitis.

These are both symptomatic checks and should not substitute for real life blood tests.

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13y ago

The main one, by far, is severe pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.

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Type your answer here... The appendix can be removed if it is infected and if it is troubling you

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Kinda- sorta. The appendix can get infected, which causes a condition known as appendicitis, which makes you sick.

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There is a major difference between an appendix in a human and a cat. Namely, cats do not have an appendix, while people do. The appendix has no use within the body, but can sometimes become infected and will need to be removed.

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The peritoneum is at risk of infection with ruptured or perforated appendices.

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Appendictis occurs when there is a blockage of the appendix lumen. When this blockage occurs, the appendix becomes inflamed, and can become infected. If this continues to the point of rupture, and the appendix bursts, peritonitis can occur.

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Appendectomies are performed to treat appendicitis, an inflamed and infected appendix.

What is the purpose of appendectomies?

Appendectomies are performed to treat appendicitis, an inflamed and infected appendix.

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My family has had there appendix bursting alot now so i can answer this question. If your appendix bursts you can barely stand up straight and you puke alot and if you dont get it fixed it will make you have an infection cus the appendix holds the bateria and stuff so it will become infected and you will get really sick and it could event to fatal death.

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It can! But only if you don't get your appendix checked out right away. The symptoms of an ruptured appendix is vomiting constintly, fever, and the sweats.

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A person may have to have their appendix removed if it becomes infected. If the appendix ruptures, the infection can spread throughout the body and cause major problems.