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There are no symptoms.

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Q: What are the symptoms of breathing natural gas?
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Is breathing natural gas dangerous?


How long does it take to recover from natural gas poisoning?

Natural gas, also known as methane, is not poisonous, so there is no such thing as natural gas poisoning. The only danger of breathing it is that you could suffer from a lack of oxygen. If so, you would recover very rapidly if you resume breathing normal air, before you actually die of anoxia.

Side effects from breathing natural gas?

Fromm my experience, my asthma was triggered and i was coughing up small amounts of blood.

What are the symptoms of Marcy Disease?

Difficulty in breathing.

What are the symptoms of a hard breathing?

lack of exercise.

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What are symptoms for Bronchitis?

The symptoms include coughing, phlegm, difficult breathing etc. You might have to use an inhaler if you have trouble breathing. This can occur anytime of the year.

Do you have to seek medical attention after exposure to natural gas?

Natural gas is an energy source that is commonly used in homes for cooking, heating, and water heating. It is primarily composed of methane. Exposure to low levels of natural gas is not harmful to your health. However, if a gas leak is severe, the amount of oxygen available for breathing could be dramatically reduced, which can lead to asphyxia. Exposure to extremely high levels of natural gas can cause loss of consciousness or even death. ****An individual exposed to natural gas asphyxia needs to get fresh air immediately and medical attention as soon as possible. If the person is unconscious and not breathing, move him or her to a location where there is fresh air and administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until help arrives.***

Are there any known side effects from breathing natural gas?

Usually death by inhalation or explosion are the best known side effects to date.

What are the symptoms of CPR?

Symptoms of those requiring CPR are no breathing, no pulse, no signs of life.

What are the symptoms for chalkdust allergy?

It affects your vision, breathing and skin reaction, and asthma symptoms.

What are the symptoms of a breathing problem in a Boxer?

when the boxer is laying on its back, with four legs up in the air, and not breathing, you know it has a breathing problem.