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urinary tract infection Symtoms include:

dysuria-painful urination

hematuria-blood in urine

Increased frequency or urge to urinate

Flank pain can indicate the infection has gone to the kidneys (pyelo-nephritis)

Foul smelling urine

See your doctor for a urine analysis and a urine culture + sensitivity (UA C+S) if you have any of these symptoms.

When you wipe there may be a tinge of color. But not always. Other symptoms are pain when you pee and having to pee a lot, but only having a tiny bit come out. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor. If you can actually see blood in your urine, you need to see a doctor right away, it could be more serious.

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  • If you have a UTI you would know. It feels as if you are pissing bullets. It is so painful that if you think you have one go to the doctor immediately and drink lots of cranberry juice. Note: Cranberry/apple juice from Snapple doesn't taste as bad as some others might.

MORE INPUT: a U.T.I., or Urinary Tract Infection in the elderly can cause symptoms of confusion, lethargy (sleepiness), and even delirium. They may not always have the typical symptoms of a U.T.I. that younger folks have.

A fever (low grade) may or may not be present.

A patient may not always know if they have a U.T.I. as in some people, they are virtually no symptoms. It is important to see a doctor regularly and have routine blood and urine tests done for this reason!

In men, often the only symptom may be a slight burning when they urinate.

Drink plenty of fluids if you have a history of chronic U.T.I.'s (coffee or caffeinated beverages do not count as liquids, as they are actually "diuretics" which cause dehydration rather than treat it!)- water is best, and cranberry juice has been proven to promote urinary health.

See your doctor is you have ANY of the symptoms listed above!!! A U.T.I is fairly common and easy to treat, but if the infection begins to ascend into your kidneys it could be a very serious matter! Also, UTI symptoms DO mimic many other conditions! (such as kidney stones!)

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12y ago

frequently need or not , cloudy urination, fever in sometimes, abdominal pain,loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting , blood in urine, thick urine and an unusually strong odor. Difficulty in standing, because of the frequent urge to urinate.

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9y ago

You would get the constant urge to have to urinate, while not really having to go or going a minimal amount each time. Also, when you did go, you would feel a burning sensation. You would also feel pressure of the bladder associated with the urge to have to urinate.

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The ease of getting urinary tract infections has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Why would someone have to have urinary tract infection treatment?

Urinary tract infections are very painful. Both females and males of all ages can suffer from urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections left untreated can cause an upper tract infection that could be extremely dangerous and far more painful for any patient.

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Dog urinary tract infections are an emergency. If not attended to with urgency, it could result into kidney failure for the dog.

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Yes they get them, also urinary tract infections.

Who is at risk for UTIs?

People with diabetes tend to have more urinary tract infections, as well as hospitalized patients. Urinary tract infections can also be sexually transmitted.

Where is urinary tract infections located?

they can be located anywhere in the urinary tract, from the bladder or kidneys all the way to the opening.

Is sprite good for urinary tract infections?

Not to much

Is uti contagious?

No, Urinary Tract Infections are not contagious.